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I need to ask what to do to avoid the mess also called a "bird's nest" when sewing leather? I use 100% Nylon thread as my topthread and use a variety of threads for the bottom or bobbin thread.

I found out using nylon for top and bottom/bobbin thread causes a huge mess aka the bird's nest. If I use a cotton/polyester mix thread for the bottom thread it seems to work better. Any suggestions on what thread combination to use for top and bottom threads? I assume this also has something to do with tension?


  • Contributing Member

Mooshi. Also make sure you hold your threads back (at least the top one) for the first few stitches. Birds nest is also referred to as a bunch of bar studs.


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Thanks Mate! :You_Rock_Emoticon:


  • Moderator

Hi Mooshi,

When sewing, never back-up the machine (turn the wheel back) or fail to complete a stitch, that means the take-up lever goes all the way to the top. For any good quality thread like Linhanyl, nylon shouldn't make any difference. Thread is pulled from the spool (top thread) on the down stroke of the needle, and it depends on the prior stitch anchoring the thread so it can pull from the spool. Your job as the machine operator is to nail down this thread for the first two stitches so that the remaining stitches are held by a properly made first couple of stitches. Now the trick here is to "anchor" or "hold" the thread, not to pull it. If you pull on the thread, there is a chance that you will collapse the loop made for the hook, which will cause a missed stitch. The top tension on a stitcher is quite high and it will take the top thread right through your fingers on the first stitch, that is why I have seen folks pull on it like it is a rip-cord.


I need to ask what to do to avoid the mess also called a "bird's nest" when sewing leather? I use 100% Nylon thread as my topthread and use a variety of threads for the bottom or bobbin thread.

I found out using nylon for top and bottom/bobbin thread causes a huge mess aka the bird's nest. If I use a cotton/polyester mix thread for the bottom thread it seems to work better. Any suggestions on what thread combination to use for top and bottom threads? I assume this also has something to do with tension?


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