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Windom Leather

Bad day in the shop

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I had a bad day yesterday. It started out good. I was just getting close to finishing a project and was edge dyeing with some black dye on a dauber. Well the phone rang and I set the dauber down, hanging over the edge of my box of parafin on the bench and answered the phone. Had a couple of bees buzzin around close by and so I grabbed the swatter and got one right off. The other one I gave quite the headache and landed on the bench so I went for round 2. Some how I managed to clip the dauber and it sprayed everywhere and on everything. Its on the floor, bench, tools, wall, 3 projects in the works, me, basically anything that was in about a 4 foot radius of my bench now has specks of black dye on it. One of the projects I'm mad about, cuz it has a bunch of small lettering on it and takes me awhile to carve. One of them was for a gusset for the purse I'm working on, so other than not being able to use that piece and have to cut out another one, I'm not to heart broke there and the project I was edge dyeing got a few specks on it but I finished it anyway. It was for me but my wife stole it.

So anybody else ever have a bad day in their shop?

Do tell, I like a good story.

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Sounds familiar! See http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=17903&view=&hl=dye-saster&fromsearch=1

I found afterwards that the black dye had also spattered a pair of tan-coloured slippers that I was renovating for a friend. I had to dye them black all over and apologise to him! blush.gif

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........i did once.....IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN.... a place for everything and

everything at its place.

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I've done something very similar, only I knocked the whole bottle of dye over and onto the project. That's been a long while ago though. However, just yesterday I made a small blunder. I was working on a Sheridan style belt with the background all dyed. I'm cruising along, about done with the belt when I noticed I'd missed a couple places bar grounding. No problem....I'll just dampen those spots, fix the areas, and I'll be golden. I thought it through carefully, knew that the background had dried over night, should be no sweat. Out come the damp rag, a couple passes here and a couple passes there....and AWWW @$%*#%. I've got smeared dye all over the place. After some serious fuming, I tried to figure out what had happened.....Oh....DUH...I let the background dry overnight, but the edges had just been done earlier in the morning. Long story short, I used a tiny bit of oxcallic acid, cleaned the smudges best I could, and then went on with the finishing process i.e. antiquing, etc. I turned out alright, but probably would have been better if I hadn't fallen asleep at the wheel. I'll post pics when it's all the way done.

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Almost cussed a blue streak when I realized I'd measured (and gouged) the spine/fold line wrong on a photo album cover for my cousin's wedding. Had to cut off the spine entirely and make it a separate piece. Turned out okay in the end, just meant more sewing than I'd planned on.

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