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Using the search function on Leatherworker.net

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Since the upgrade, I have a problem with the search function...

When I do a search, I enter the keyword, and up comes a page with different topics using that keyword in them. I click on a topic to see if it is what I am looking for. If it is, great. If it isn't, I am not able to return to the page with my search results. I have to start over from the beginning. Can you fix this issue so that the "back" button on the browser or the backspace key on my keyboard takes me back to the results page without having to start a whole new search? Maybe it's just me?

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Nvm guess its working now, I was having that issue. Just tried it and it works fine now.

Edited by MADMAX22

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Magical, isn't it! I imagine Johanna or Kate checked things out and fixed it up - and never said a word. They do a lot of things like that around here...


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It still does it for me, and it's a PITA. I always get the following message: "Web page has expired"

Edited by Hilly

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Hilly, If you hit refresh when you get the Webpage has expired message, does it come back? Sometimes it does for me.

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Hilly, If you hit refresh when you get the Webpage has expired message, does it come back? Sometimes it does for me.

Yes! Thanks for that tip! How did you figure that out?

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Sometimes, I just click things (and New York blacks out for a minute or two...)

Actually, if you read the instructions when that notice comes up, I think it is one of the ideas they give you.

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