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Hi everyone, I just wanted to ask if any of you have a preferred method for doing backgrounding on your projects in order to achieve the most even background? Are there any tips and tricks that work for you? I have a couple of projects on the go that require significant amounts of backgrounding to be done so if there's something that will make it go better I would love to hear it.


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Use A118 or A888 in areas large enough to use those tools. Walk the tool and don't strike it extra hard. If you use a number of mallets, use a lighter one instead of a heavier one.

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A couple things. Do your backgrounding when your leather is fairly dry. If there is a lot of background, there is a big possibility that you are going to have some stretch when mashing a lot of leather down. Make sure you have your leather backed with something (packing tape, cardboard, x ray film etc.) Also dont be afraid to go over your background areas more than once if they aren't even. Getting it as even as possible makes it look the best.

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ClayB hit the nail on the head. I do alot of bargrounding rather than backgrounding, but if I try to do it when the leather is too wet, I get stretching and uneven work. The bargrounding is the very last tooling I do on a piece, and the leather is very nearly dry. It's still moist enough to make the tool marks dark, but not much wetter if that makes sense.

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Thank you all for your suggestions. Every little bit helps at this point!

Have a great day!

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howdy Guys and Gals here is a very helpfull video clip done by Wayne at Standing Bear Trading Post

hope this helps some



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Excellent videos in that album - thanks for the link! :thumbsup:

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