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NEWB rhona's Art-sheaths, clocks, pencases, knife cases and anything in leather.

Baguio, Philippines

A friendly hello to one and all! I wish to express my heartfelt thank you to that wonderfull lady, Johanna, who conceived this site for all of us to share, inspire, and grow together in Leatherland.

I am one of a handful of leather artisans from my hometown and country, Baguio City, Philippines. I am a self-taught leather artisan, by trial and error methods, experimentation, and common sense, which folks say isn't common. I haven't had any contact with other leather artisans, was self-sufficient all these times about twenty or so years.

Working alone in Twighlight Zone, I chanced upon this website as I was reading some messages on flasah. Along came Johanna's message, clicked on this site, and was surprised to have opened a door to see an almighty world of leather artisans out here..

I am happy and thankful to have stumbled on this site that have the answers and tips to my questions on : the how to's on braiding, pricing one's items, and hopefully be able to connect with more clients .

I also wish to be of help to anyone where I can..

I look forward to great times ahead for all!


Baguio City, Philippines


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  • Contributing Member

Welcome to LW.net Rhona! You have some beautiful and unique items there! Working on your own without outside influence can mean incredibly creative things are produced. We have a few such artists from around the world on LW and it is always fun to see the different things that can be made with leather. I'm sure you will enjoy the community here and we will enjoy having you aboard. Please post more pictures!

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Welcome to LW.net Rhona! You have some beautiful and unique items there! Working on your own without outside influence can mean incredibly creative things are produced. We have a few such artists from around the world on LW and it is always fun to see the different things that can be made with leather. I'm sure you will enjoy the community here and we will enjoy having you aboard. Please post more pictures!

Hi Denise smile.gif

thank you for welcoming me in the community , and thank you for appreciating my work. I am looking forward to meeting other artisans and I'm interested to see what everyone does smile.gif)


  • Ambassador

welcome, beautiful work, looking forward to seeing more!


Hi and welcome Rhona!!!!

I liked reading your intro, I could recognize my own situation before leatherworker!!!

Beautiful work!!! I love the last knifesheath, very nice and unique in design!!


  • Members

welcome, beautiful work, looking forward to seeing more!

Hi Leatheroo,

Thank you for the warm welcome smile.gif

Sure, thank you, I would love to post more of my work, if I only knew how! unsure.gif I have noticed you had instructions on this, but duh!- if I can work it out innocent.gif !! LOL!

Have a great day and MORE POWER TO LW !!



Baguio, Philippines

  • Members

Hi and welcome Rhona!!!!

I liked reading your intro, I could recognize my own situation before leatherworker!!!

Beautiful work!!! I love the last knifesheath, very nice and unique in design!!


Hi there, Tom.

Hey, thank you for noticing my work. In fact, I had a few more of these sheaths on my first attempt at posting, but I made a booboo, the files were too large, had to quit uploading them. I had no idea how to work on resizing them, having not have graduated yet from emails LOL! I'll work on that smile.gif

Is that right ? You went through doing leather work on your own too? hey, tell me about it !!

I would love to view your work! I'll look for them smile.gif

Have a great day ! POWER TO LW!!


Baguio, Philippines


Hi Rhona!!!

I sure will give you some info on my history with carving leather and how I learned it. Off course my learning curve accelerated alot rhanks to the wonderful and helping people here.

I am very tied up with lots of work (mostly my regular non-leather work job) so it may take a few days. If you navigate to my profile you can find links to all my topics and posts right under the avatar. I think I've posted much of my history here but I do have alot of posts to browse through ;-)

Talk to you later and you can allways email me if you like: korpham at gmail dot com

Best regards from cold Sweden!!!


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Hi Rhona!!!

I sure will give you some info on my history with carving leather and how I learned it. Off course my learning curve accelerated alot rhanks to the wonderful and helping people here.

I am very tied up with lots of work (mostly my regular non-leather work job) so it may take a few days. If you navigate to my profile you can find links to all my topics and posts right under the avatar. I think I've posted much of my history here but I do have alot of posts to browse through ;-)

Talk to you later and you can allways email me if you like: korpham at gmail dot com

Best regards from cold Sweden!!!


Hi Tom smile.gif

Thanks for your time and thanks for your reply. Sure I can wait smile.gif I'm not going anywhere LOL..

I noticed you make guitar straps, too. I have made a few guitar straps myself. Four brothers and a sister (who lives in California) are musicians. They used to have a band together. My sis, Makee plays bass guitar, and is beginning to get hooked on leather work. Needless to say who her inspiration was! Ahem! However, I wish to find out what the best features of a guitar strap people are looking for, the thickness of width,( I know bass guitars usually have a thicker width), lined or unlined, padded or not, that sort of stuff. Design -wise, no problem. I also would like to have an idea how much people would pay for something like this smile.gif

Hey, I have taken much of your time already! Blah! To view some of my guitar straps and more of my work, may I invite you to my FaceBook and Multiply sites? Look up rhonacarantes..

A webpage that will contain a collection of my friend's blades (of which I am the company's official sheath-maker), my twin daughter's artwork and paintings, paintings of my bladesmith friend, and my leather work, is underway,

and i hope in the next couple of weeks will be ready for launching. I will let you know smile.gif

I still have to check out your work, somehow in the process of looking for them, I always get distracted with something along the way! So much useful info here !

i have noted your email add. mine is rhonacarantes@yahoo.com. you may email me too, if you wish..

Thank you so much for your time.. More later..

Have a great day!


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