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I've seen on different threads where some of you use ring shank nails and some don't like them at all. In Stohlman's books he uses blue tacks and I've read where some of you haven't used them in years. I would like to hear some discussion on what you use and why.



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CW...........I use all the above. Blue Tacks, Stainless Nails, and Stainless Ring Shank nails. I primarily use some ring shanks around the edges of the finished ground seat, and a few in the cantle of the finished ground seat. I use blue tacks most other places like the swell cover, and skirt lugs. I use regular smooth stainless nails primarily in tight places like along the bottom edge of the cantle back where it meets the bars. I also use these when fitting parts, because they won't stain wet leather. Hope this helps. JW

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Thanks JW.

Makes sense to use the ring shanks where you won't have to take them out for future repairs.

Appreciate the input.


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The only place I use tacks are on horn cap fillers where they will clinch. Otherwise if the wood shrinks ever so slightly or they back out the least bit, thee is no grip left in them. I don't use many ring shanks, but I do use them in the same place as JW. I mostly use twist shank where I want them to stay like on strainer plates. I use smooth nails for tacking or places that will be opened up like through leather conchos. I use SS nails.

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Like Bruce and JW, I use all of the above. I like to use the tacks during construction because when not fully seated, they will hold well yet pull out easily when I take the piece off for adjustment or whatever. Most guys probably assemble and dis-assemble many times before they are done. At the end I do like stainless, for final.


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Thanks for the input guys. I'm slowly getting it put together. Wish I could come spend a few days with yall.

Thanks again.


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