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A couple of Hondas

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Oh hey, aren't those gorgeous! I especially like the second one, as I think that knot's very cool. Very nice work!

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nice work thanks for sharing. You've come a long way baby!!!!! Keep at it


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Good lookin gear. I like the second one as well.

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i have to agree with every one else these are really nice . keep on braiding like that and youll yave to start your own little online store.

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i have to agree with every one else these are really nice . keep on braiding like that and youll yave to start your own little online store.

are,nt those just plain neat?dang good knots. reckon what is the customary length for the release is? Edward

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I like your hondas, but from a guy who ropes a lot, and makes a lot of hondas for working guys, I think you might find that a larger more heavy duty burner would be better. I just can't see these hondas holding up over the long term, (forgive me, I'm not trying to be critical, just helpful) Also one thing I've noticed is making the burners cover a longer area. Guys seem to enjoy this and they just last longer. The braiding is awesome though,

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Longer thicker burners, I think I can do that. Thanks for the help.

I like your hondas, but from a guy who ropes a lot, and makes a lot of hondas for working guys, I think you might find that a larger more heavy duty burner would be better. I just can't see these hondas holding up over the long term, (forgive me, I'm not trying to be critical, just helpful) Also one thing I've noticed is making the burners cover a longer area. Guys seem to enjoy this and they just last longer. The braiding is awesome though,

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