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Looking For Custom Saddle

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Hello to all! I've just joined this forum. It is so full of practical information. You sound like you really care about each other and try to help when needed. I hope to find someone who can make a custom saddle for my wide, short backed Norwegian Fjord. I live in Langley, BC.

Edited by goldpony

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welcome if you look in the saddle making section of the forum there will lots of them on here. Elton is from canada not sure where. there steve Bremer thers lots to choose from. hope this helps. Bronc/Bonnie

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Hey, I am 1/2hr east of you LOL

I do leather work, but I dont make saddles. However, I do know a couple of good saddlers for you.

Try Ron Stolp. He is in langley-aldergrove area.


Or, go to Merritt and see Andy Knight


or Don Lowen.


You can see don lowen at the mane event in oct in chwk, he usually has a booth there.


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Broncobuster & Janice - Thanks!

Edited by goldpony

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Broncobuster & Janice - Thanks!

I have an Icelandic, so I can feel your pain!

I'd recommend going to someone who either does their own trees, or works with a good tree maker. The short saddle fitting zone on these types of horses can drive you a little buggy, as I'm sure you know.

I borrowed a very nice Harwood-made Wade last week at a clinic, and the fellow who owned it had mentioned that he'd worked some Fjords in it when he took them in for training (saddle had full QH bars, 15.5" seat...not sure of the fork angles). It fit my Icelandic well when placed behind the shoulder, but it was so long on him that it sat well into the loin area. Horse didn't mind for a day, but I'm not sure I'd want to be sitting that far back on a regular basis.

Dave Genadek (www.aboutthehorse.com) would be another good source to check out.

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AdamTill, Hi. The short, broad back is the hardest to fit. Both my horses (Norwegian Fjord and Haflinger) have this body type. I'm riding the Fjord in a dressage saddle while I wait for his western saddle. Hopefully, it will be only four or five months. Thanks for the info!

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