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It has been about 20 years since I have made a checkbook cover. This cover made a family member happy, and I really did not want to relace his cover for the 3rd time.

I did learn a valuable lesson, Do Not use NeatLac that is 25 years old!!

Working on another checkbook cover and have a lot of ideas (thanks to others post) that I will be attempting.




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Welcome! You have come to the right place. There is nothing better for oiling up the gears and shaking out the cobwebs than this site. It is a great place to meet people and to learn more. WoW! I guess what the say about NeatLac is true. The stuff must have a half life of fifty years.

  • Ambassador

Welcome Colman, great looking piece you have there, love the color. So what exactly does NeatLac do after 25 years?


Welcome Colman, great looking piece you have there, love the color. So what exactly does NeatLac do after 25 years?



The old NeatLac had a brownish tint to it out of the can. I tried it on a scrap piece of leather and it left brownish streaks, it kind of gives it an old look to start with. The results were not as good on the cover as on the scrap piece, but the family member was glad to receive a new checkbook cover.

I have since got a new can that I will be using on my next cover.


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You can get a product called deglazer. It is used in the shoe repair trade to take the finish and polish buildup off of dress shoes. Go to your local shoe repair and they should know what you are needing. I wouldn't use it on the lace as it will probably take the finish off of your lace. Practice on a scrap piece. We used it on factory saddles that came in to be cleaned and oiled. If the saddle had some finish left on it you can clean it off with degazer and then the oil will soak in more evenly.

Good Luck

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