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Hi everyone, hope you all had a nice holiday. I thought I'd post a pic or two of an alligator holster I just finished. Alligator is new to me so comments are welcome.



Thanks for looking,

~ Rhome ~



Wow! Now that is sharp. Any special tricks to working with gator as opposed to elephant and shark?

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Rhome, beautiful work. I've got some brown "lizard" in there I'm waiting to use.

I do think you need to build a matching wallet and mag pouch to go with. You know, accessorize :thumbsup:

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You could accesorize? with some Lion skin as you seem to have some laying about in the background of the pic! :head_hurts_kr:

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You could accesorize? with some Lion skin as you seem to have some laying about in the background of the pic! :head_hurts_kr:

Well I made his and her loin cloths with some of the lion....:devil:

But I am going to make a mag holder and belt, I'm hoping they turn out. Alligator is scary to work with just because of it's cost, other than that little problem it's really no different than any other exotic except maybe that it is thin.




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That looks very nice! I held some small hornback the other day that I might get 2 holsters out of plus some trim, but at $100 a crack I talked myself into waiting.

What weight did you use underneath?

Did you hand bone the details or put it in a press?

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That looks very nice! I held some small hornback the other day that I might get 2 holsters out of plus some trim, but at $100 a crack I talked myself into waiting.

What weight did you use underneath?

Did you hand bone the details or put it in a press?

Hi, I used HO 5 oz under the alligator for the front and 2 pc. 4oz for the back. Pressed and hand boned.




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