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Another family member, Mom was in need of a new checkbook cover. Since she collects frogs and it was her birthday, I figured this was the best gift.

The frog pic originated from an Audubon field guide book.

The opposite side was western floral and her initials, which were showing when she opened the box, she was really suprised when she finally looked at the other side.

I do have to practice a lot more on the frogs toes, but Mom was happy with her bday gift.





Looking good Colman! Figures is not easy so keep it going and you'll get there. Don't know what he's toes are supposed to look like but seems ok to me with this one. Beveling between he's toe and body is a bit tight so in areas like that I usually go light and work it more with the modelling tool, nowadays I mostly use checkered bevels and with those I go lightly with my smallest pearshaped checkered backgrounder for tight areas, sometimes tilting it to reach in and sometimes using modeling spoon before.


Looking good Colman! Figures is not easy so keep it going and you'll get there. Don't know what he's toes are supposed to look like but seems ok to me with this one. Beveling between he's toe and body is a bit tight so in areas like that I usually go light and work it more with the modelling tool, nowadays I mostly use checkered bevels and with those I go lightly with my smallest pearshaped checkered backgrounder for tight areas, sometimes tilting it to reach in and sometimes using modeling spoon before.



Thanks for the pointers. I am going to have to get some more "figure stamps" to reach those tight areas. I will have to scan the orginal pic for compaison.


Johnny, Nice job! Your lacing is fantastic! :thumbsup:


Thanks for the compliments. Since I have joined the forum, I have seen so many more ways to lace, and different styles of the same items.

Thanks again,


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