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My name is JesseLee Cantrell. My specialty is 1850's to late 1890's boots and shoes. I started my apprenticeship in 1964 in WVa and was taught by John Henry Taylor (1877-1970). Having in my possession his hand written Trade secrets journal (started by his shop Master in 1856). I also inherited his shop with machines going back to the Civil War as well as hand tool, lasts etc. All of the work at Cantrell Boots is of the period from just before the Civil War to the gunfighter and old west era. It is not a Civil War/old west costume footwear shop, but one off pieces made to exacting standards of the period.

Later this Summer/Fall I will be having an open house weekend meet and greet, displays, hands on etc. for those interested in 19th century boot and shoe making. It will be held at The Dom Studio, a huge vintage analog recording studio of which I am a partner, and where my shop is currently housed.

see: cantrellboots.com and thedomstudio.com (under construction)


JesseLee Cantrell

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welcome aboard matey!!!wave.gif


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Well, I'm used to seeing greetings from all over the world, but I think this is the first one I've seen from another century! We're very glad to have you join us, JesseLee. That is very interesting and cool how you became a boot maker. We look forward to your participation on our forum.


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Wow! Impressive work! The officer's boots are just gorgeous!


Welcome to the forum! Please share when you can.


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