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Hi folks!

Been lurking for awhile checking out everyones GREAT work. Figured I'd best poke my head out and say "Hi" to everyone. I've been pounding leather for about 34 years. I'm not nearly as good as all of you. But I do hope to get some ideas and hopefully improve my work. I just do it for fun and helps the time go by. Now that "Big Brother" is over, I have all week to see what I can do with all this cowhide..lol

Thanks for being here, you're very much appreciated by this ol man.



Hi and welcome! I guess you have already noticed what a nice place this is and inhabitants are nice too.

We love pics so don't be shy with posting, no one will put you down and you sure are gonna get some improvements hanging here, think that applies even to pro's.


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Thank you Tom!

I have a couple of pics of my smaller projects. (wallets, breif case) But I can't seem to get the camera to take a good picture. They all come out blurry and the detail is non-existent.

Any pointers on taking good pictures would be most surely welcomed.


P.S. is there anyone else from SC a member?

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Thank you Tom!

I have a couple of pics of my smaller projects. (wallets, breif case) But I can't seem to get the camera to take a good picture. They all come out blurry and the detail is non-existent.

Any pointers on taking good pictures would be most surely welcomed.


P.S. is there anyone else from SC a member?

A lot depends on the camera...if your camera has an automatic focus capability, that would probably do best for what you are trying to do...What part of S.C. are you in...I'm in Charlotte, N.C....right on the border.

Thank you Tom!

I have a couple of pics of my smaller projects. (wallets, breif case) But I can't seem to get the camera to take a good picture. They all come out blurry and the detail is non-existent.

Any pointers on taking good pictures would be most surely welcomed.


P.S. is there anyone else from SC a member?

Move outside if possible, use minimum zoom and go upclose with cam to reduce shaking blur, to close can get out of focus blur depending on what type of cam, put a few spots close to object, keep the object in a clean area like on a table closeup to a wall and hang a paper or piece of cloth for backgrounds..there's lots of ways to acieve good photos, just like with leather.

There is also a photothread here with stuff on buliding cheap softboxes for product photography.

It's good to see you're concerned with this, sometimes we see asking for advice or pointers about specific work and the pics doesn't provide enough detail to get a good eye to it.

I'm fortunate enough to have a photohobby background and a big SLR system on hand (no studioflash or boxes) but I gotta tell you, I think taking leather pis is downright difficult. Sneakin up on animals and have good shoots on them is easier I think.

One more pointer, I often take my pics before applying final sealer coat since the shine (at least for acrylics) drag down the the result a bit.


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Hi Rich,

Welcome...I am from SC...Brand new to this and just learning...I am in the Columbia area


  • Ambassador

Hi Rich welcome to the forum, do get some pics up of your work as we would all like to see them, Don

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Thanks for the welcome!

I think I may have found a new home here. :o)

I'm going to get some pics this evening and see what ya'll think of them. Hope the batteries are still good in that old Olympus.

Have a good evening folks! Cya tomorrow!


  • Ambassador

Great that you found this wonderful place we all love Rich. You'll find that we are a bunch of really friendly people and always willing to share and help each other out. Hope you enjoy it here.


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