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Hello From England

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Hello from Caterham on the Hill in England,

I found this site by accident and thought I'd jump on board.

I'm based on the North Downs in leafy Surrey.

Hundreds of horses in this area so plenty of work for me.

Nice to meet you all and drop me a line if there's anything I can help you with, I am a Traditional Working Country Saddler, been in the trade 23 years or there abouts.

I am traditionally trained to hand make English saddlish and harness and I also hold a Lorinery Certificate.

I hand make from scratch most of my saddlery but do have a variety of sewing machines to work on textiles and some leatherwork as well.

I hand make threads, same as it was done hundreds of years ago. I have a active interest in Medieval history and re enactment and have made a few bits and pieces including chain mail. I have made all sorts of things to my own designs, not just saddlery, ranging from leather bound tankards to leatherwaist coats, I enjoy inventing and designing new ideas.

Austin (Oz to my friends) :)



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Edited by unicornleather

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Welcome to Leatherworker.net, we are happy you found us!!

From the sounds of it, there's not much you'll be asking about, but if you should happen to have any questions, feel free to ask.

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Many thanks and I will!

If I can help with anything that the forum members are doing like any info on tools, supplies, methods, English saddlery etc I'm here to help if I can, Oz (Austin) :)

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Hello from Caterham on the Hill in England,

I found this site by accident and thought I'd jump on board.

I'm based on the North Downs in leafy Surrey.

Hundreds of horses in this area so plenty of work for me.

Nice to meet you all and drop me a line if there's anything I can help you with, I am a Traditional Working Country Saddler, been in the trade 23 years or there abouts.

I am traditionally trained to hand make English saddlish and harness and I also hold a Lorinery Certificate.

I hand make from scratch most of my saddlery but do have a variety of sewing machines to work on textiles and some leatherwork as well.

I hand make threads, same as it was done hundreds of years ago. I have a active interest in Medieval history and re enactment and have made a few bits and pieces including chain mail. I have made all sorts of things to my own designs, not just saddlery, ranging from leather bound tankards to leatherwaist coats, I enjoy inventing and designing new ideas.

Austin (Oz to my friends) :)



Welcome to the world of leather craft on LW, OZ!

Does that bridle in your image have a "Bit"? The design reminds me of my younger days when we farmed with horses. Haven't felt the excitement of my first effort at driving a team for a long time.


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Welcome to the world of leather craft on LW, OZ!

Does that bridle in your image have a "Bit"? The design reminds me of my younger days when we farmed with horses. Haven't felt the excitement of my first effort at driving a team for a long time.


Hello and thank you,

I didn't bother to put a bit in the bridle as it was large enough as it was sitting on the full size plastic head (Thoroughbred full size NOT heavy horse size unfortunately)!


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Hi Oz,

Welcome to the forum. Its a great place to mingle with like minded folk. I have learnt so much from this forum.

Paul ( from Herefordshire )

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Hello from Caterham on the Hill in England,

I found this site by accident and thought I'd jump on board.

I'm based on the North Downs in leafy Surrey.

Hundreds of horses in this area so plenty of work for me.

Nice to meet you all and drop me a line if there's anything I can help you with, I am a Traditional Working Country Saddler, been in the trade 23 years or there abouts.

I am traditionally trained to hand make English saddlish and harness and I also hold a Lorinery Certificate.

I hand make from scratch most of my saddlery but do have a variety of sewing machines to work on textiles and some leatherwork as well.

I hand make threads, same as it was done hundreds of years ago. I have a active interest in Medieval history and re enactment and have made a few bits and pieces including chain mail. I have made all sorts of things to my own designs, not just saddlery, ranging from leather bound tankards to leatherwaist coats, I enjoy inventing and designing new ideas.

Austin (Oz to my friends) :)



Hi Oz, good to hear from you. I'm in Hexham UK and if I can help with anything, let me know. We need to keep our skills alive! You could certainly give me some tips about rolling my own thread as this is something I've not done as yet.

All the best,


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Hello Andy,

Yes, I'd like to help you with hand made threads if I can, just ask me what you want to know.

We do need to keep our ancient skills alive.

Met a chap locally to me (surname Fletcher would you believe!) who was experimenting making his own Longbows, Crossbows, Bolts and Arrows as they were made in Medieval times.

Amazing what you can do with a piece of seasoned Yew!

His skills were obvious to see!

I love ancient skills and crafts, I see you are into survival, that fascinates me too.

Ray Mears used to live near me in Kenley and practiced his skills on the Commons there. Kenley is more famous for it's WW2 fighter station, home for many Squadrons of Spitfires and Hurricanes.

How long have you been into leatherwork and what training have you had?

Oz :)

Hi Oz, good to hear from you. I'm in Hexham UK and if I can help with anything, let me know. We need to keep our skills alive! You could certainly give me some tips about rolling my own thread as this is something I've not done as yet.

All the best,


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