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Hi--I am Shirley from NC. I am interested in all sorts of sewing but am new to leather. I have several pretty old singers which could hand very light leather. I have a lot of scraps given to me and have been referred by another machine collector to the Tippmann Boss. Is it a pretty good starter machine? I also don't have a lot of room because of my other machines! Comments would be welcome. Thanks and "hello, y'all"!

  • Contributing Member

Hi and welcome to Leatherworker.net!

Glad you found us; pull up a chair and tool a while. We have a forum dedicated to sewing leather, and another for sewing machines. You might do a little reading in those forums and discover what your machines are capable of. Ah....almost forgot...we LOVE pics, so as you progress in your hobby, post some pics.


:welcome: to the forum.The Tippman is a good starter machine as long as you can figure out how to sew with one hand & it doesn't take up alot of room.

But for alittle more$$ you can buy a real cast iron & steel machine that will last alot longer & be easier to operate since the motor will run the machine & noy your hand.


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