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Amanda Powell

Rawhide Lace?

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Hi y'all. Just wondering if anyone out there has purchased rawhide lace, or if everyone cuts their own. I'm not in a position currently to be making my own rawhide, or even just buying a side and making lace. If anyone's bought pre-cut lace and been happy with it, please let me know!!

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Haven't bought any, but SpringfieldLeather.com has it listed for right at $30 for 50 ft.

If you post a WTB ad in the Marketplace (this website) and list what size and length you need, and what you're looking to spend, you might find someone here who can arrange it for you.

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If you Google rawhide lace you will be able to come up with some ideas for who sells rawhide lace. If it is white don't use it. It has been bleached and does not work as good as the natural stuff. Let us know what you decide to do. I make my own rawhide and cut my lace so I would be interested in knowing what is on the market.

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I have bought lace in the past when I was starting out. B-B in Idaho had 1/8" or 1/4" by 50' or 100' for about twenty bucks. I has been awhile though since I bought any.

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Howdy When I was trying to make rawhide and had my 2nd flop, Aggiebraider gave me this name and number to call for what he has heard as the best. Bill Confer ((866) 660-2830) sells rawhide.

You can also find the whole message Aggiebraider wrote its under the post I did named 2nd rawhide flop.

I took the advice from what others wrote and instead of starting out on rawhide they said to start with paracord then work up. So I can't tell you cost but if Aggiebraider says its good I bet it is since any advice I have been given from everyone on this site has always helped this rookie out.

Have fun, I sure am.

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Wow, thanks for the responses!!

Yeah, I'm aware of the kind of stuff not to buy :) These are the two places I've found online: Fur and Hide and Colorado Leather Goods. I know Bill Confer is recommended by Gail Hought, so I guess he must be pretty reputable!

I've been doing some braiding and knotwork already; I'm just planning ahead and trying to find a source!!

Once again, thanks for all the input!!

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Bill Confer has different size string down to lace. I don't think it's beveled but it sure is uniform. You might have to wet it and pull it some to straighten the curve as it looks like they cut out of a dry disc. He can get you about any thing you need to braid or make buttons. Brad

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If you need some cut and beveled I'd be willing to work with you on some string.


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I bought some lace from Bill Confer when I went to Witchita Falls and I am really happy with it. Its really consistent and a great color. You will have to bevel it because it doesnt come prebeveled, so I would buy lace a little larger than the final width you want then bevel it down. You can buy a beveler a lot cheaper than you can buy a lace cutter. There are a few different options for one, and Bevan (member here on the forums) makes one that is supposed to work really well (I just havent seen one used).


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