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I said under 2, over 2, under 2 for the 12 strands. But in the photography is the 10, and another of 16 strands. you are not doing my technique. But also is a braid for beginners.banana.gif You should learn some of my knot.

you Can see in facebook and in my blog to nose button in turk head by example.


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Bull shit there's 10. I know there's 12 there. I can count dude. And in your photo you are showing OVER 2, UNDER 2, OVER 2.

If anyone else would care to take a look at this one. I think a 16 strand The one in this photo is not a 12 strand. But follows the same damn sequence as I mention.

Ya know Miguel. I have tried my hardest to be nice to you. I have complimented your work and posted so others can see your work. But with the comment left behind in your last post, leaves me with a really bad taste in my mouth. I am pretty sure that here on leatherworker.net that Johanna would agree that we all try to be colleagues here and not throw comments out like you have in you last post. But that's fine. You want to act like a pompous ass, that's fine too.

I leave the floor to whoever now.


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Leather braiding is my job. I after much work and practice I have invented many braids, knots and techniques, think you can make and copy everithing you want? you need lots practique, you have not shown my work, one has tried, gutted. I also read in your site.

I teach a lot of people but not to anyone.

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I'm gettin closer now.

Over 2, Under 2, Over 2, 12 strand Herringbone coded braid. More practice, practice and even more practice. I can't stop myself. LOL...


Thanks for the help Brian.

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You're welcome.

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To say that you have invented braids and knots is quite arrogant if you ask me. Mathematically, there are only so many patterns, knots, and designs that we can accomplish as braiders, and if you are doing it now, it has probably been done by someone else somewhere over the years. Dont act like you are the only one to ever think up this stuff. As far as copying goes, I feel that it is the most sincere form of flattery as far as pattern work goes. I have seen a few bosals on here and other places that I want to do (interweave patterns and all) because I feel that they are really nice and look beautiful. Unless you go through the process to COPYWRITE or PATENT something, shut your mouth. You hold no rights to it. When someone comes to us as a client, rarely do they ever say "I want you to make me something because of that pattern you did right there". They come to us because they feel our braiding technique (including everything that goes with that such as lace preperation, consistency in plaits, etc.) is better than either they could do themselves, or better than other braiders. Brian went above and beyond in posting your work and bringing you to this community and the comments you have provided (even if English isnt your first language) have shown nothing but arrogance and disdain for those of us trying to learn from you and share in your knowledge.


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under 2, over 2 under 2. for 12 strand round braid, under 2, over 2 under 2 over 2 for 16 strands round braid and under 2 over 2 under 2 over 2 under 2 for 20 strands, under 2 over2 under 2 over 2 under 2 over 2 for 24 strands round braid.

under 2, over 2 under 1 for 10 strands round braid, under 2, over 2, under 2 over 2 under 1 for 18 round braid, under 2 over 2 under 2 over 2 under 2 over 2 under 1 for 26............

is the same that 8 box braid. under 2 over 2.

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wow lose the ego miguel...

no one invents braids or knots...everything there is has been done for centuries and anybody that thinks differently is fooling themselves. I believe more has been forgotten in braiding than is currently known. might be stuff you havent seen but i bet someone somewhere is doing the exact same braids.

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oops aggie ya beat me to it. by the way miguel yes we knot the basic o2 u2 sequences and many more.....brian was happy to be learning this technique, when you braid always with a core or tight enough that the finished braid is square it can be difficult to hold tension evenly enough to do this flattened out type braid. i wonder about a person who can be rude to a guy who has been praising your work not only here but on his khww website. i had hoped that perhaps this was a language translation problem but i dont think so.

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there is a difference between the artist that could invent, and amoung those who can only copy. I invite you to copy to some of my knot of 24 bight. or my knot not finish of 7 strand clapping.gifthumbsup.gifspecool.gifLighten.gifspoton.gif

you can see in my blog

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ok...well you can tell yourself that your inventing things but i sincerely doubt it. i have seen online braiding of some of the greatest braiders in the world, most of them from argentina, and the detail and fine techniques are amazing. your work is good but not of the same quality. take a look at the whip that whipit just posted, or the work of nate wald or armando deferrari. the best part of these peoples talent...they are very nice and willing to share their knowledge with any who want to learn.

artistry in braiding is more about perfection and composition than an ego thinking they are doing better than anyone else can.

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What purpose does it serve to be an arrogant pompous ass with your art work?

What kind of point are you trying to make?

You say you invented something? Mind telling me what you invented since this same braid can be found in Bruce Grants book, Ron Edwards book and a few Argentine braiding books I have. I'm sure I can find it in other places.

You're not the only one that can do this braid Miguel. Here's the proof on that: Here's his link to the site where that photo came from; Leather Braiding By John

That photo below may not be you, but it is the same braid. :blink: Are you sure you invented this braid? I mean I did find the herringbone coded braid in the above books and also in The Braider, and it is also covered in one of A.G. Schaake's books. The only thing you did to your braid is not put a core inside of the braid. That's it. Nothing more, and nothing less.


BTW. You say you have been doing this for what, 10yrs or 13yrs. I have been doing this for 20yrs, knot tying and leather braiding together. So I do have a diversified eye and skill you could only dream of. I really hate to have to tell you this. But you need a study in history that will show you just how long knot tying and leather braiding has been around.

I figure this. I know that you have been a student of GH. So I will do my best to leave GH out of this. But you should know that I am a self taught braider. I do have a braiding mentor that I go to for advice. I surely would not pick you because of your arrogance. If you are the type of student that GH School produces, I don't think I want to waste my money, or time.

Your attitude toward this art and craft is an abomination to the rest of us braiders who have an undying passion for this art. You say braiding is your job, well I don't really care. I have a real job and only have so many hours a day to practice this fine art of leather braiding. I do my best to share with the other members here and on my website so that they may or might benefit from what I have learned. That is called being a colleague to the rest of the braiding community. The braiding community is much larger than you know Miguel. I know a lot of braiders and knot tiers world wide. Not to mention some of the best of them in Australia.

I now leave the floor to anyone else. Sorry for the long winded post folks.


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Hilario Faudone invented many knot for rawhide. Pablo Lozano invent their own braid and knot. Luis ortega invented his own technique. Luis Alberto Flores also invented own knot of rawhide, Martin Gomez also invented..... These are the best braider. I also invented my own knot adapted to my own technique.

Bruce Grant learn of ""Luis Alberto flores""""", Also teach to Nate wald, Leland Hesley and Ron Edwars. Luis Ortega learn of Spanish braider, in Californiathumbsup.gif

If Nate wald tell you that he has invented to knot......You_Rock_Emoticon.gif

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Brian, you want to dicover one old braid with make belt here in spain. So I find it very funny, maybe becouse young and joker. I read in the khww John said.blahblahblah.gifblahblahblah.gifblahblahblah.gifblahblahblah.gif

this braid is very, very easyeusa_naughty.gifeusa_naughty.gif, you had to have for something more difficult. maybe a Barquero knot, de triple armadura. or a knot " lomo de yacare"whatdoyouthink.gifinnocent.gif

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Putting that in English might be a bit more understandable.

maybe a Barquero knot, de triple armadura. or a knot " lomo de yacare


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Ya know, I don't understand something here Miguel. You act as if I am trying to steal something from you. I have not left your name out of any of this. From day one your name has been taped to this braid. Now all of the sudden you remove photos from your FB account(s) which stand to show that your sequence is what I have been saying since page 2 of this topic.

So what's the deal here? Now you don't like me at all because I don't tolerate your insults. Maybe you have some growing up to do. They do have mirrors in Spain, right? Well maybe you should take a good long hard look into one. You might find something there you don't like. It's really too bad you have this kind of arrogance. I like your work and will continue to like your work. But I don't know about you as the artist now. I have a lot of doubt in your ability to even teach as you say you do. I would think your students would be very, very few and far between because of that arrogance.

But that's okay. You continue in the path you go. I'll take my path and call it all good.

Best regards,


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Posted (edited)

well said brian, i to have been braiding for over twenty years, there is so much to learn.

ok get this straight....ortega didnt invent any new braids or knots he just composed his braiding in a different way, and his braiding was perfect....just because you are creative with your braiding and use knots and braids in different combinations doesnt mean you are inventing anything. nate is learning the argentine style now....but like many of us he is self taught with only bruce grants books to guide his beginnings. his artistry comes from the perfection, and the combinations of braids and knots from various places. most of the braiders i know of are very humble about their skill and believe there is always something to learn and someone who is better.

you are using the spanish names for those knots what are the english names cuz i know a variety of knots...i can build a lomo de yacare or in english- crocodile ridge knot..

Edited by roo4u
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if you are not willing to help and teach then what are you doing here? that is what this site is all about. if all you are going to do is belittle brian for his happiness at learning a new technique, well we really dont need that kind of attitude here. so please take it elsewhere. my mom always said if you cant say something nice dont say anything at all!

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very nice braid! Brain, you are a very master.. I love you nice work.You_Rock_Emoticon.gifYou_Rock_Emoticon.gifYou_Rock_Emoticon.gifYou_Rock_Emoticon.gif

this is all that you want to hear.

I´m not to teach you anything. party26.gif you started this topic just to find my technique. But Is only a very old braid used for thousands and thousands of braiders. I haven´t no idea of braiding. In this forum are all teacher to learn to make very nice bosal and romal reins and awesome whips, perfect and clean work, wonderful.clapping.gifworthy of the TCAA

best regards,

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Now that is childish.

So the post goes to show.

Just for your info. I wont be tolerating anymore of your insults. I have tried to reason with you. But you wont reason at all.

Floor open now.


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ok...well you can tell yourself that your inventing things but i sincerely doubt it. i have seen online braiding of some of the greatest braiders in the world, most of them from argentina, and the detail and fine techniques are amazing. your work is good but not of the same quality. take a look at the whip that whipit just posted, or the work of nate wald or armando deferrari. the best part of these peoples talent...they are very nice and willing to share their knowledge with any who want to learn.

artistry in braiding is more about perfection and composition than an ego thinking they are doing better than anyone else can.

this are artits of rawhide. you dont know the leather braiding artits?? bosal, and romals reins whips .....semper eadem..... You know anybody to make micro braiding with leather?, leather jewelry maybe. 8 bight in 1/2 inch.

is impossible 8 bight 4 interweave in 1/2 inch..

10 m of strands in to knot of 1 inch also is impossible.

best regards.

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Now that is childish.

So the post goes to show.

Just for your info. I wont be tolerating anymore of your insults. I have tried to reason with you. But you wont reason at all.

Floor open now.


you think you take my work and gutted, is my work, my life, the bread of my childs. you can´t gutted my work. Speak of your work, of the work another person, but you can´t speak of my work.

best regards

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Floor still open. Hey was that a fly I heard, or a gnat? Quick someone get the fly swatter out.


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