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January Marketing

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January is a notoriously tough month for retail businesses (aside from the Sales!) so some sensible marketing has to be a good idea.

Having spotted some 'less than perfect' images on my website I'm going to spend a bit of time creating better photography . I'm also going to look at the products I have on sale and see how their descriptions could be improved and I'm also going to try to get some local newspaper coverage by sending out a press release.

I'm allocating a weekend to the photography and web writing work as I'll need time to set up lights, backgrounds etc plus I'll need time to edit the pics with Photoshop and upload them. I like writing on a Sunday as it is the only day the phone doesn't ring so I get some time to think.

I'll be setting aside a day to write and send out a press release to the local newspapers telling them about the things I make, how I make them and inviting journalists to visit my workshop to try leatherwork for themselves. Stories are hard to find after the big Christmas build up so you stand a good chance of media interest if you contact publications early in the year. Even if they don't use your story idea right away they will at least know you exist and may contact you later on.

These are not particularly difficult tasks but improving my 'offering' could improve my chances of making a sale. Likewise, the more people who know about my business the more chances I have of finding some new customers.

These ideas might work and they might not - I won't know unless I try!

What else could we do to improve our chances of making a sale in January?


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maybe sending out a newsletter or something like this (if you have email-adresses from your customers) and offer a new years sale (5-10% or so) to everybody who already bought something for you. That can only work of course, when you still make money with that discount.

I Know that my Dad send out Greeting Cards with special offers to his customers in January (i was the one who had to put the letters into the envelop^^), because people throw away all the cards and special offers, the get for xmas. But in January, they may be willing to buy something.

Many Greetings,


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