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Does anyone need deer antlers?? I've got a few shed antlers and a couple that I sawed off after shooting. Didn't know if any one here is into knife making as well as making the leather knife holders??? If there is someone interested, I'll be glad to send you pictures of them. What I am hoping is that I can send you the antlers and in return get a antler handled knife :Lighten: Don't know what antlers are worth or what a knife is worth but hoping that it would be a fare trade.

Thanks Annette

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Hi Annette, I might be interested in such a trade.I would like to see the pics.Feel free to look at my website and you see what I make.Dave

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Annette, if you've got any elk antler I'd be interested, but I don't think you get elk in Kansas. :)

I've got a huge pile of whitetail antlers here. As soon as my dad and his friends found out I wanted a couple antlers to make buttons from, they all gave me boxes of them. Since I took up knifemaking last month, I'm finally finding a use for all of them, because I don't think I'd sawed up one entire antler in ten years up to now. :)

Also, Dave, excellent tutorial on edge lacing on your site. That's just what I've been looking for man, thanks! Nice work on your knives and sheaths, too, makes me want to do something with an inlay.

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Hey Hivemind,

Would you be interested in selling some buttons? I have been wanting to do exactly what you did, but I dont have easy access to the necessary tools to make buttons. Let me know if you are interested.



post-16420-064535200 1294690778_thumb.jpHere are a few pictures of the antlers. Dave your work looks great. There is one antler that is smaller with a little notch that makes a purfect hand hold, thats the one if it would work for a knife I would like made into one for me. I don't want anything real big just a nice medium size, sharper then crap using knife. Let me know if we can work out a trade. Like I say not sure what antlers are worth if anything. If they don't look like anything that you can use or want could you please still tell me if a knife could be made for me out of that one that I'm holding and about the price to do it? Thanks Annettepost-16420-069292400 1294690595_thumb.jppost-16420-063762100 1294690629_thumb.jppost-16420-098526800 1294690666_thumb.jppost-16420-068228400 1294690690_thumb.jp

Annette i cut the small tines off and use them for rub sticks and burnshing. The tines are handy for molding a case around a wood form to. You can push alot harder with them than you ever could with your fingers.

  • 3 weeks later...
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annette - if you're willing to sell one of two of those antlers, i'd like to buy them.

please let me know.

PM me or post here.

thank you

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I'll take all your willing to get rid of. I'm also a blacksmith and use antler for knife handles.

I can trade with raw pine resin or am willing to try and make any special tool you might need, or any thing else I can make on the forge. Steak, flippers, forks, spoons, ladles, knife, rr spike tomahawks. I've also scrimshawed powder horns-simples designs only, not real good at that yet.Or my wife is a prolific knitter, Do you need knitted goods? Can do 100% wool with washing instructions. caps, socks-both regular and over the knee lengths-fingerless gloves, scarves, baby items.

I trade off her knitting skills and she trades of my blacksmithing skills.

If your intested, just pm me and we'll work something out.


Ramrod and Historybuff I put message on both your profiles. HEHE no one was interested then both of ya want them. Since Ramrod responded first has choice of what wants, make offer and pay for shipping and we will be good. If I have any left I'll let ya know Historybuff.

Thanks Annette

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oops! i didn't see the message annette. i'll pm you with an offer. sorry for the delay on this.

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