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Roman Riding Pads

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Have not posted in a long time, but am woundering if any one has ever built the pads they use for roman riding. I have a request to build a pair but as of yet have not been able to find any photos showing just the pads, so having a hard time determining what would be the best course of construction.

Thanks Al

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Hi Al,

I never build a roman riding pad, but as i looked what "roman riding" means I found this page with pictures.


They seem to have two different types a smaller one with one girth and a thick padded large one with two girths.If you write them, they may send you better pictures.


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Hi Al,

I never build a roman riding pad, but as i looked what "roman riding" means I found this page with pictures.


They seem to have two different types a smaller one with one girth and a thick padded large one with two girths.If you write them, they may send you better pictures.


I have had no luck getting better pictures, as they all have been custom made & they don't want to give away somebodies design, which I do not blame them for. Waiting now for contact info for one custom builder, will see if he will be kind enough to offer some advice if not I may have to send my customer to him & let him build, they do not appear t be that hard, more intereasted in some fit pointers & other tricks they have incorperated into the design.


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