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I would like to try my hand at Leather Engraving . I have never done any leather work before. (I am mainly into woodwork)

What I want to know is ,where should I start and can somebody recomended any books that I could get....

Thanks for any advice.



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Welcome to Leatherworker.net!

You have reached an excellent source of information for both the beginner and experienced leather worker. There are a lot of good books you could order, specifically books by Al Stohlman. You can also learn all you need right here. From the main forum page (click 'leatherworker.net' at the top left of this page.....not LW home) scroll down until you see a sub-forum called 'Paul Burnett school of leather ornamentation'. Also, scroll further down in the section called "the business" (in the brown bar) and look for the sub-forum called "Getting Started". There's a lot of posts there, and many of them address the question you've posed: What do I need and how do I get started.

Feel free to ask specific questions, too. You will get some varied answers, but that's to your benefit because there's no one specific way to do things. We're always around and happy to help.

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I would pick a project and go from there, get a starter kit and make something you want or need.

It could be a dog collar, a belt, watch band etc.


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Thanks for your help and advice.

This site has heaps of info that I never saw .

I went out today to pick up some leather off cuts and bits and pieces.The place that I went to in Sydney are running some lessons on the weekend,so I have booked in for beginners lesson.....Look forward to it..



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Howdy and welcome to the site and to the most addicting hobby in the world, this site is a plethera (?) of information, as a woodworker also I have found that you can dual purpose quite a bit of your tools and machinery to do leatherwork. Some of the biggest suggestions I can make is find a Tandy, use ebay to find good used tools and books I have bought a lot of stuff on there and have been pretty happy, Al Stohlman books, I don't know what the library is like where you live but you usually can find quite a few books and here I can request books that other libraries have. And of course use this site to it's fullest extent it has helped me immensly. Good luck



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Forget what they said, put down any leather pieces or tools you have and run as fast as you can. Naw, just kidding, the classes are a great start as well as the other sound advice you got by the other posters, there are several free videos on the Tandy site where George Hurst demonstrates everything from carving floral designs to setting rivets. That's a great start as well and free. You Tube has some infor as well.

Have fun with your new addiction.


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