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  • Ambassador

Say that I'm making a notebook and want to simply punch holes( in the liner) and cut across them to insert the notepad. What is the easiest way to "pre-punch" the piece so as to line it up perfectly so that the edges are either

1- flush or

2-the slit is centered where I want it considering I have left 1/8 in or so overlapping to trim later.


clear as mud?!

  • Contributing Member

Umm....measure it? If you haven't inserted the liner you can fold it to find the center. If you've already inserted the liner, you'll have to use the ol' measuring stick. As far as cutting the slit, why not just use scissors? Mark one end (as measured from the edge of the notebook), mark the other end (same), scribe a line and cut it. Or am I missing the point?

  • Members

Pete, I would measure from the spine, and install the liner from the spine to the outside edge, doing one side at a time. When you get the slot side in place the turn it around and finish the other side,that should keep the slot where you want it. It also lets you control better the pucker that can occour when folding liners inside of covers.

Hope that's helpful. GH

  • Members

rubber cement the liner in place (only around the edges should be good enough,

Punch all the holes, then peel them apart, now they will line up perfectly when you're ready.


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