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Hi All;

Thought that I had better introduce myself having joined, names Gus and as the title suggests I hail from Scotland. Used to do a bit of work in my youth mainly for friends and involving motorcycle stuff and have decided to take it up again. This time I intend to put a bit more effort in and see if I can't do a better job.

I work from home now so it gives me more leisure time and I've fancied going back to it for a while now. I'm sure I'll be picking brains and generally getting to know everyone.


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Welcom to the site.:welcome:

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Welcome...from a Scottish descendant..:) You've picked a great spot for brain pickin'...:) Good folks on this forum to learn from. Enjoy!

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Hi Gus,

Nice to see someone else from up here. Glad you found LW - great place.



Welcome to the forum!

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Thank you all for the kind welcome and sorry for the late reply but I have simply been lost for a week looking around!

What a difference the internet makes to things like this, when I was messing around with leather twenty years ago all there was available, in the UK certainly, were books. All very good but nothing like being able to see and discuss things with other

people. Just a short while of looking through the various topics and threads on here has given me no end of inspiration and fired my determination to get my act together.

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