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Lining with suede

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Is there a way to make the flesh side edges of suede lined leather attractive?

Most of the time I've seen a leather border stitched up to the edge

with the suede ending right before it becomes visible between the

"edge sandwich".

I thought about folding the suede edges over, gluing and then sewing.

I'd still edge both sides of the leather, but the suede would be about

a 1/4" from the edge with a nice, round border.

Edited by antipaladin

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I'm not sure what you're using for leather for the top side, but another possibility would be to cut your suede exactly the same size as your top before you glue it - then edge your top and glue a bead of piping to the back side of the top. Then glue in your lining and top stitch. You'll have a raised edge on the underside, but it makes for a sharp looking edge.

Here's a picture of a piped edge on a tool bag I did, except the top leather is chrome tanned - but you get the idea.

Alternately you could bind the edge.



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Did you make your piped edge? If you did then was it out of leather?

Your bag is beautiful!

Kat Frye

Here's a picture of a piped edge on a tool bag I did, except the top leather is chrome tanned - but you get the idea.

Alternately you could bind the edge.

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Did you make your piped edge? If you did then was it out of leather?

Your bag is beautiful!

Kat Frye

Here's a picture of a piped edge on a tool bag I did, except the top leather is chrome tanned - but you get the idea.

Alternately you could bind the edge.

I was lucky to find a huge spool of leather cord on Ebay that I use to make piping. You just cut a strip of leather, lay your cord down the middle and fold in half. Then on the flange, you cut little slices every 1/4 inch to help it bend around corners. Very fast and easy to make.

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