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Beak question

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MASKsend.jpgfoxfield_april08_005.jpgOk my new mask after the success of my pif, i decided to go one step further with a separate beak now my thoughts are to stitch it over the bridge of the nose and leave the sides loose but I have a concern about how to ge it sat right and i don't really want visible stitches on the front. Its made of 3mm tooling leather.

Whats your advice?



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Hi Pip,

That looks really neat so far. Could you fold the back edge of the beak down to create a tab ( on the inside of the beak ) that you could then sew to the mask? You would lose the ridge you have put on the back edge of the mask, but you could probably put a new one in after sewing.

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Hi Pip,

That looks really neat so far. Could you fold the back edge of the beak down to create a tab ( on the inside of the beak ) that you could then sew to the mask? You would lose the ridge you have put on the back edge of the mask, but you could probably put a new one in after sewing.

i have cut it kinda close for that this time but next time, a great idea. hmm I could sew a tab on to the inside nose peice of the mask and stck it to the underside of the beak, stitching in the undercut of the nostrils, though with a couple of invisible (ish stitches) that might just work. Thanks Clayb. Now you say it it seems so obvious, but I have been racking my brain for two weeks now. ah couldn't see the wood for the trees....

I may give it a try tonight.

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The mask looks great!

Does it have to be sewn?

Just a thought, how about cementing the beak to the face???

A good cement like bardge might do the trick.

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I never trust glue, i have a ...... hmmm what to call it.... aversion or rather glue has an aversion to me, I follow the istructions to the letter but 10:1 the hold will fail. I must be naturally greasy or something. also with it being worn on the face I am concerned about allergic reactions. I have some reactions to glues and spirits which make my skin fall off in chunks. thanks for your comments though. I am still surprised how good it looks hence my nervousness at doing the right thing. I got it out and sat looking at it with my awl (not intended tosound rude) in hand for 25 minutes before putting it away and starting something else.

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Another wonderful bird mask! That is soooo awesome! Pip, would you please stop? I really don't want to become a mask convert. I have too many other projects in mind without needing to put them all on hold to make one of these cool masks!

Next time you make a mask like that could you make tabs on the upper part of the beak, then just bend them under to the inside, and fasten to the mask using screw posts? No glue, no sewing?

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I know you said you did not want to glue, But what about using barge cement and a few well placed stitches? I would barge the entire beak with a stitched placed on either side of the beak for safe measure. That wat the beak stays in place and the comestic look of it remains in tact. It is amazing by the way. You did a fantastic job!

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