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Round Knife Vs Head Knife

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What are the main uses/advantages of a 4 1/4" head knife or a 6" round knife. I currently have a head knife and am trying to decide if getting a round knife would be of any benifit



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I have both and i like the round knife alot better. I wouldn't buy any knife over 4 inches wide personally and i have a couple that are over 4 inches.. Their just to big. IMO a 3 inch is more usefull and easier to use and control.

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I have both round and head knives from 2" to 6" and have a total of 12. I use them contantly while saddlemaking. You can cut turns

and curves with a head knife that you can't cut easily with a stright knife. Also nothinng skives leather like a good sharp head

or round knife. They both look intimadating but with practice you will be lost without one.

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Yeah once you get them down they are a wonderful tool. Ive got 5 assorted sizes and shapes right now, each one gets used for something different.

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