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Overlaying Exotics

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Does anyone have any tips for burnishing the softer overlay to the harder tool leather.

Pictures of finished edges on overlays would be much appreciated.

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although I do not have any pictures of the edges on this holster , I have done this one holsters and I had to glue the elephant to a piece of 2-3 oz to give it some back bone, sand , dye and burnish as you would normal veg-tan and you should be ok , and then glue and stitch to main body and then complete item as you would .

ps. I would glue a oversized piece of the exotic and a oversized piece of vegtan together and when glue is dried, trim that piece into your desired shape .

I hope this helps any


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I have had good luck with burnishing softer leathers when they are backed with vegtan. Including suede splits, ostrich knee, even snake although that is a little tougher to get a good edge joining area. The hardest one I think you will find to do this on is going to be stingray. Those little beads you basically have to take a dremel to or somthing similar to get them to smooth out. There is no real burnishing on those guys. If you take a look in my gallery there is a ostrich knee overlay on one of my knife sheaths that shows the burnished edges pretty good I think.

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