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Welcome Precision Saddle Tree!

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Precision Saddle Tree has become one of our sponsors, and I'd like to share with you an article that appeared inShop Talk! Magazine detailing the company and what they do. By the way, Shop Talk! will give a FREE 3 month trial subscription to you if you call and mention leatherworker.net.

Shop Talk!'s Precision Saddle Tree Article

A well made tree is essential to the crafting of a quality western saddle. Hindering this endeavor are inconsistent materials, long lead times and poor design. Precision Saddle Tree Manufacturing, Inc is your solution for eliminating these obstacles to producing fine saddles.

Using modern technology not before employed by the tree industry, Precision Saddle Tree Manufacturing is able to deliver quality trees, without the usual long and inconsistent delivery time. Only the best material resources are used, and tradition is disregarded when superior, modern materials are available. Precisely engineered designs and hands-on production ensure reliable trees for your saddle making business.

from PST website

I didn't know exactly where to post this on the forum, so I put it here because PST is of specific interest to saddle builders. Welcome to LW!


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They have my vote!

Nice, consistant, well made trees. I use the DuraK coated TM Team Roper trees with glassed in strainers and my customers (as well as myself) love it. Thom is a great guy to work with as well as Armando. The Competition bars fit these big, meaty horses around here better than just about any tree I have used. I've taken the same saddle and thrown it on what looks to be a much slighter built horse, lighter in the shoulder, with identical results. The bars are a little shorter which also works better for these shorter backed horses that seem to be the "norm" (here at least). The seat is the best glassed in strainer I've sat in, period. Never had one come in twisted, unsymmetrical or with signs of poor craftsmanship. I am on my 7th tree and you could swap any piece of leather on one tree of identical specs and they would fit the other exactly... real handy if you build a lot of the same thing for a group of ropers or such when it comes to patterns and layout. No paid endorsement here... just a customer.

- Mike from Rome, GA

Edited by mworthan

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