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Large Stamps

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While at the LA\ouisiana Ren Fest I saw a lot of leather worked items. What I am wondering if where do they get the stamps that are around 3" in size

Also I s there something that can roll a pattern on a belt.

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There are larger stamps. Most of them are alphabet sets, but there are others. Some may be custom stamps the craftsman had made, or done freehand with a swivel knife or other tools. There are many places online that will do custom stamps. Do a little searching around the forum and you'll find them. As for rolling a pattern onto a belt, yes there are tools that do that. The technique is called embossing. There are hand embossing wheels as well as machines that do it.

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You can get a custom steel stamp in just about any size from http://steelstampsinc.com Just be aware that the bigger the stamp, the harder it is to get a good impression with just a mallet. Some people put a plate in between the stamp and the mallet to distribute the force evenly, but if you plan to do a lot of this, consider a press.



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