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On Local Tv Again

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I recently moved my business back into town (Prescott,Arizona) with an assistant, and wanted to get the word out.

I've been interviewed on the local station (AZ-TV Channel 7 Cable 13) a couple of times previously, and thought it was a good chance to get some publicity about the move if I could appear on the show again.

I asked and was invited to be on a couple of days later.

Johanna has graciously offered to put the 9:11 minute video up for me. (Thank you)


See Paul's video here!

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Great video, 9 min on the air that is fantastic. The buckelless ?? belt is very cool. Good luck at the new location.


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Is there any way to see the video without joining facebook?


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Well Mike I did not know that would be required.

It was not my intention that one should have to do anything.

However I find myself at one of those crossroads, where I would have to devote more attention than comes naturally for me, to figure it out.

My computer is not loaded with the necessary whatnot. Therefore I find myself at a disadvantage, if you know what I mean.

Consequently I will have to get back with you.

Or it could be that one of lovely web mistresses. Or one of their able and equally geekish assistants, might be willing to join in the conversation and explain what to do to make it happen for you. No doubt there are others who share your delema.

Let's just leave it out there and see what pops it's head up, ok?

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I appreciate it Paul! I'm at the same disadvantage as you I'd guess, plus I get a little antsy when I get asked a bunch of personal stuff in order to do or see something on the web. I'm at the point where, the less people know about me the better I like it. Still would like to see your TV apperance though...

Thanks again,


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We figured out how to get the video on Youtube, but when I tried to post it here, it didn't want to attach properly.

Still workin' it.


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Paul, I stand in awe of anyone who would even attempt to post a video on YouTube, let alone get away with it! I will stand by awaiting your inevitable success...


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Hey Paul, great video. Nice seeing you again. I used to watch you play football on T.V. too! You know what I am talking about. LOL Please call me at 1-866-962-9880. I would like to hear from you again. Steve

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Great interview and what a way to get some great exposure. Thanks for sharing.


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