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Just curious got a hide I been wanting to cut but I got different options: cutting from rounds tracing round a 5 gallon bucket, cutting the length of the hide or cutting a 2" strip using the whole hide....just curious as to some of y'all who make your own rawhide what preference of cut y'all prefer thanks In advance

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While I dont have as much experience cutting rawhide as I do kangaroo, I do know that it depends on where you are talking, what you are wanting to make, and how thick the hide is. What I try to do is cut a few 1" strips from the back for bosal cores. Then cut the hide into circles, typically 1 from each shoulder, and either 1 big one from the side/flank on each side, or 2 smaller ones. The rest is basically just scrap. The belly isnt good for much as far as braiding as far as I know. Go to harbor freight, or look online for a large compass. I think the one I got is like 18". Lets you cut a pretty large circle if its opened all the way up. You can also make one for yourself for large circles using dowel rods and a little wood.

Hope that all makes sense,


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I make compasses out of a push tack and bits of fishing line, or other no stretch string. As Aggie said, section the hide so the strands of the same section have the same strength.

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I don't cut them into perect circles. If the piece might be say 2x3, I just start around the outside after rounding the corners. I never cut anything bigger then 5/16ths as most of my string is under 3/16ths finished. When a corner starts to get to sharp just stop and round it off. Circles are sure nice but thats the way I do it. The discs from Tejas are as clean as you can get but a little to pricey for me. Brad

  • 2 weeks later...
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I always cut high quality hides from the outside now, just trim it to shape get a cushion and start working it slowly. But my main objective is lace for braiding usually. And like said, round things off when you need to with a nice sharp rotary blade.

If the hide will have multiple uses, eg note books I will cut them first leaving the largest circles I can to make the lace from.

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