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Hi everyone,

I'm new here, I have been working with leather for a while now but have a need to use a large stamp. Its 1.25"x8". Ive had the magnesium plate made and tried it by hammer (nowhere near enough presuure) then in a bench vice (again not enough) so now I come to you guys.

What would you sudgest I use to stamp something of this size?



  • Moderator


On something that size you are going to need to use some kind of a press. I use a hydraulic jack shop press with my plates. I put a scrap piece of steel over them big enough to cover and spread the force out.

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Hi Bruce,

Thanks for the reply. Do you think 1 ton would be enough?

I've been looking at Arbor presses and the costs appear reasonable or would a press like yours be a safer bet?

  • Moderator


I would probably go with all I could find. I have seen a guy use a one ton with some makers stamp size plates and do OK. Yours is a pretty good sized plate. It kind of depends on the leather and how cased it is also. On mine I get the best results by casing them up good and letting the surface get back to drier than I would for stamping. Then I press and leave the pressure on for a good 20-30 seconds. They color up well doing that and the detail holds better for me.

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I think I may make one of these Dwights press and see how it gets on.

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