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Some folks, especially the ones looking to buy burnishers have noticed I haven't been online anywhere for almost a week (highly unusual for me) so I thought I'd share some photos of the goings-on. Last week So. California was hit by a freak wind storm, the largest in 10 years, with winds at my house topping 80mph. The area I live in, San Gabriel/Pasadena area, has a lot of large trees including pines, redwoods, palms, deodors, walnut, sycamore, etc...not lightweights by any means. Anyway, long story short, the wind knocked down a metric crap ton of them taking out roads, houses, power lines & poles and reaking general havoc.

We were without power and heat for about 5 days and now have 1/2 our power and our furnace back. The other half is lost somewhere between the line that was repaired and the house so I might be looking at 10+ blown breakers once I get a chance to check it out completely. The shop is the biggest part affected so I still can't turn but my wife was nice enough to help me figure out which of the exterior outlets still worked so I could at least plug in a florescent light bank and keep my leatherworking orders flowing. Hopefully burnisher production will resume this week. Here are a couple of pictures just for fun...



Our driveway the first morning...took 30 minutes and my chainsaw to get out.


Local apartment building near the only store (7-11) that was open the first morning


Baldwin Ave - had lines of gorgeous sycamores, now all gone. 3'-4' diameter trunks. Looked like someone played dominos down the street.


First night after I got the family settled with a fire & candles, headed into the shop to do some lacing


Third night, found a store with some cool lanterns so the shop got a lighting upgrade



Hang in there, it can only get better from where you been.

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That sucks, I've been there. Oklahoma ice storms leave the same kind of damage. Was out of power for a week year before last.

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Thanks folks. The good news is as of this morning we have full power back and the shop as well. Now time to clean up, figure out where everything is (made a mess trying to find supplies in the garage/shop with no lights) and get orders rolling again.

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