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Saddle tree fitting guides

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I read with great interest the thread on the fitting guides designed by the makers from Austrailia. Since the melt down I've not been able to find a contact. If anyone can re post all that I'd be greatful. I would like to learn to do the fitting the best way I can.

Thanks in advance.


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Kevin, you can PM Dennis Lane directly as he is a member here under his own name. He is great to talk with and can give you the scoop on the cards. I was holding off reposting the picutres in hopes that the old posts will be returned shortly. We are still on dial up so it takes a while to upload the pictures, but I will if the black out lasts longer than the next week or so, or if you really want them back earlier. Just PM me with a reminder and I will make the time to do it.


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Thanks so much. I'll do that. I really hope that the thread get put back. I was planning on using it often.

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Here is the link to Jeremiah Watt's blog about the Aussie tree makers. Might do for a read until the pics get reloaded.


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