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I have a bunch of new and old edgers that all put just a flat cut on the edge. What I want is one that rounds the edge. Do they sell one or do I have to try and make one?

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I have a bunch of new and old edgers that all put just a flat cut on the edge. What I want is one that rounds the edge. Do they sell one or do I have to try and make one?

I was looking for the exact same thing a little while back. I had the Tandy ones and they only put flat cut edges. I have since purchased edgers from Jeremiah Watts (Horseshoe brand tools) and Rons tools as well as the bisonette edgers that are made from old cutlery (those were found on eBay). The Watts western edgers, Ron's Montana edger, and the bisonette edgers all do a rounded edge. I haven't tried any other ones so I can't speak for those.

I found that for me, the edger to choose depended on how thick the leather I needed to edge. the Ron's Montana edgers have very short toes so they are good with thinner leathers. The Watts edger and the eBay Bisonette edgers are also good but won't really work on stuff thinner than maybe 6oz because the longer toes will hit the table before the cutting edge reaches the leather. Bisonettes are easier to use cause they cut whether you push or pull the edger. But on the other hand, they are harder to sharpen because of the nature of the geometry of the cutting edge.

I find myself using the Ronstool edgers more now because I work on thin stuff a lot right now. Their smallest edger will edge leather that is 2oz thin. But on the other hand, they are the most expensive of the lot. Hope this helps.


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The name for the edger from example Osborne is "keen edger" It rounds the corners nicely :-)

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I like the CS Osborne bissonnette edgers. I have from size 0 to size 4. I use the #2 the most.

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