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Okay I am new here and I JUST FOUND THIS....... but since I a love a good challenge and am about to go in for Surgery on Monday I will need something to keep busy the next week.

What is the deadline and how can I find the July Challenge if there is one?

Do y'all do these challenges each month?

How can I subscribe to the challenges?

I have an idea and even if I miss the deadline, I still need the practice either way..... Woooo whoooooo cant wait!!!!

Where is my swivel knife and modeling spoon?

Hi custom: This particular challenge is for June 1-30th as long as you enter before the 30th you are good to go. (even if you miss the deadline that's good too)

The challenge is "Living in the Heart of Summer" There are no limits to the number of tools but YOU need DESIGN/DRAW/, etc your own design. It's not a trace and go project. For me, summer means taking the kids fishing. For Chancy... apparently it means robbing stage coachess. LOL

So get out your drawing materials... and draw something that means summer to you. Then have fun carving it. Color if you wish to...

Yes these are typically done monthly. Last month was Dragons, the month before was Tikis. Just keep an eye out for the July 2012 postings or... watch the entire forum area.

I hope your surgery goes well and that you heal up and hair over quickly.

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I'm glad you clarified that Syl because I didn't realize you had to draw your own picture. I downloaded pictures of covered bridges and streams and also a brook by a pasture I was going to insert Sienna into. If I have to freehand I'll never get done, LOL although I think I could the brook one from looking at the picture. I'm still not started yet :-( I got everything out last night but and ran the copies off of the brook picture, but didn't start yet. Cheryl

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Yep we have to draw our own design. Hey... stick figures under a tree... would work.

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Yeah but the perspective on that would be a *itch, LOL

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Well, I'd like for people to draw their own designs, but hey, I fully recognize that some folks feel a bit artistically challenged....I'M ONE OF THEM!!!! Feel free to use pictures/images/etc.from whatever source* if you need to... as inspiration, but I'm hoping for something more than a reversed photocopy of a calender page. Grab images from multiple sources and compile them into your own composition. Since there's no limits on the tools, I suspect we won't see too many instances of tracing a printout with a swivel knife.

And yes, Custom, as was said, we're doing this monthly. It's an effort to continue the informal 'lessons' that were done on here when I was starting out. It helps to show members the many facets of leather working, and to overcome the perceived limitations.

* Note: If you use a copyrighted image/design, please don't forget to credit the source. As per the rules of this forum, we can not reproduce copyrighted material without permission of the creator.

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Well Mike I downloaded a free pic of a brook, meadow and some trees. I was going to put Sienna in the meadow so it will be more than a traced calender, LOL. But I thought you wanted us to get a feel for perspective ( I'd settle for a touch, forget a feel) and learn a little about using our tools to create that. Like you said, closer images sharper, etc. And perhaps I should get started since of course there's only 30 days in this month, but I have been churning out product, and have to make myself stop and do something that's just for the fun and learning of it. I learned so much on my dragon and after some coloring help it is actually one of my best and favorite pieces, as I think this will be. Cheryl

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You're right on track, Cheryl. The focus (no pun intended) in on the perspective of the elements.

FREE pics are fair game.....let's just avoid any reproductions of Frederic Remington!!!

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rofl.gif I think you need not worry about that Mike. And it won't look like Starry, Starry Night either. I can think of a LOT of things it won't be a repro of :-)

Well howdy folks....... I decided to do a pic and join in...

I am surprised that there have been 562 views of June's challenge

only a couple of brave souls have posted their pieces.... I found a clip art pic I liked. I decided to

save you all the pain of seeing my measly attempts at drawing... (and my embarrassment).

This was fun to do, but I am not happpy with how it turned out (the rocks came out pretty funky)

so I think I'm gonna do it again - Not that my practice will make it perfect, but I know

I can do it better. I suppose that is what it is all about though. The more we practice, the

more we learn.

so here's my original pic and my tooled leather

post-15330-005557100 1340547183_thumb.jp post-15330-077139000 1340547606_thumb.jp

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Cheryl, I think it's awesome myself. Cheryl

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When I saw the two palm trees, I was SOOOO expecting a set of Coronas in the middle!!!

And yeah, I was hoping to see some more entries, too, but then I haven't finished mine yet. Off to go tooling.....


Cheryl - Why Thank you...

Mike - Very Funny! it is 50 degrees here, not quite brewsky weather, soooo I wasn't thinkin...

:cheers: but it Is a good idea! Heheheh...

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I'm still trying to figure out how to put ink in my printer, grrrrr. You're quite welcome Cheryl

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I think part of it is people don't have much confidence in their ability to draw... Although this challenge may seem easy at first, composing, drawing a concept can sometimes be daunting. (artists block) I haven't drawn much in years and I never was much good at perspective...

I remember in the 80s there was a fellow who taught kids to draw in a program called Secret City on PBS by the name of Mark Kistler. He really made an impression on me about perspective and shading... like anything practice makes perfect.

I found him online and thought I would share one of his many videos...


here's a few more videos.


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OK, lets see,,,,I could draw/carve my wife in the backround of our unmowed yard, yelling loudly at me and waving a list of things she wants to be done by last week and me sitting by the pool drinking the 4th darkbeer and dreaming about flames, tan leather and chopper seats.....ohhhh and ever now and then I see Chancey in his winter coat in July sitting up there and ice fishing....ohhh and here is my phone ringing......got to go, they need me at work.....more OT...but I'll be back....


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Yeah, Jim, that's just about how I'm doing mine too!!!

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Well I have my drawn on the leather and it's too hard, just to hard to do without color. I don't know how to even draw the waves over the rocks in the brook, much less carve them so they won't be as dark and the water, which won't be as dark as the rocks underneath which still shouldn't be as dark as Sienna's mane and tail. Oh WHIIIIIIIIIINNEEEEEEE. And I am going to use this picture for something, but I just can't do it right.

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I need help, seriously. I just want to use dye and antiquing on this and don't have a clue how to do it so the antiquing makes it dark where it's supposed to be. I hate to be such a baby but I'm so frustrated.

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Posted (edited)

I need help, seriously. I just want to use dye and antiquing on this and don't have a clue how to do it so the antiquing makes it dark where it's supposed to be. I hate to be such a baby but I'm so frustrated.


Get out a piece of paper... make your drawing on that with Pencil... and eraser... then when you are satisfied... just trace it on your leather as you would any other tracing. (scan the picture first, so you have a copy of it if you need more for some reason)

As far as the waves over the rocks... think in terms of a "white shape" and outline it with maybe a ripple mark or two (slight indications) with the pointed end of you modeling tool. For the darker portions of water use the spoon part of the tool. Don't over do it.

Edited by Sylvia
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Sylvia, I'm satisfied with the picture I have on the leather right now. Well except I don't have any waves in it yet. What I don' know is how to carve and bevel, and perhaps background this so I can get graduations of light and dark. I know you probably can't see the picture well because the leather piece is over a square foot but it won't scan any better than this. I'll get it, I'm just being cranky LOL my rib hurts.

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Carve only those lines you really want to stand out. Like perhaps Sienna. The rest just use the modeling spoon, your backgrounder.. and your beveler... there is nothing in the rules that says you have to bevel a carved line, you know.

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Thanks Sylvia, that's what I'll do. I will get the perspective as far as that right, I think I can. I was going to use a pear shader for the dark areas but a spoon will be easier to maneuver. I'll just DO it and if I don't like it I can color it, jeesh. This is not a life and death challenge.......

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Posted (edited)

Good grief, 8 hours start to finish with lots of stops in between and I was so freaked. Nonsense, nothing but nonsense, already looking forward to July's challenge :-)

OK not impatient or anything, but is it that bad? Remember I usually only tool once a month for these challenges, K?

Edited by DoubleC
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Cheryl: As far as I am concerned this is THE BEST tooling I've seen you do so far.

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Wow, thanks Sylvia. I don't know what else to say, just really thanks. c

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