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Randy Cornelius

setting spots, what do you charge?

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I am making a headstall for a young lady to show in and she wants all these spots on it. I do not have a spot setter and have to set each one by hand, (I have the tandy setter) They are such a pain in the A** that I want to charge by the piece, was just wondering how each of you charge, by your normal shop rate per hour or do you get more.

I will post a picture when I get it done. It has a piece of mohair across the brow band that will hang down in the horses eyes?????? Yes, I question that, not sure my horse would put up with that but that's what she wants....



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I too only have the hand setter, and am not fond of setting spots OR snaps. When someone gives me a piece that requires repair of that nature, I tell them 5-10.00 depending on the size/difficulty of reaching where the hardware needs to go. I think, personally, it'd be within reason to charge her about 5.00 a spot for what she's given you and your circumstance. That's just me.


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I am building a pair of hair on chinks with spots. I have done several projects with spots now and I guess I don't mind setting them too much. I use a piece of heavy iron with duct tape covering it and the type of setter with the sliding collar. Every now and then, one won't set quite right and I have to pull it and set another. I guess we all have our pet peeves; mine is stitching by hand!! I am charging extra for the spots but not too much since I really wanted to make a pair of hair ons with spots!! I hope to have them done this weekend so I'll be sure and post a picture.


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Going rate a while back according to a barroom survey was 10 cents per spot, plus the cost of the spot. When I was doing a bunch of them (like the belt shown in the Wrangler ads now even LARGER, my mother is so proud), I did a time study. I could consistatnly do 6 per minute over the long haul. That was close enough to shop rate, I just use that. Now I proably need to give myself a raise and go to 12 cents. I use the slider and collar setup too. I have a hand press, but am faster and more accurate with the slider deal.

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I guess its a matter of what method you use; hand setting would find me charging a bit more ($45 a spot heh :crazy: ) but in all seriousness, BJ's take seems about right, despite never really calculating it myself. (I have this quote mojo that seems to pluck it in at his figure without realizing it, wierd)

I do alot of snap/spot setting for free though (less the spot cost) if its a small number, or a replacement)

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Going rate a while back according to a barroom survey was 10 cents per spot, plus the cost of the spot. When I was doing a bunch of them (like the belt shown in the Wrangler ads now even LARGER, my mother is so proud), I did a time study. I could consistatnly do 6 per minute over the long haul. That was close enough to shop rate, I just use that. Now I proably need to give myself a raise and go to 12 cents. I use the slider and collar setup too. I have a hand press, but am faster and more accurate with the slider deal.


I am not familiar with the process of setting spots, could you tell me what the slider & collar setup is?

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These are the hand spot setters. I think TLF sells them under the Stohlman name. Weavers have them. To show my age, I think mine came from Mast. Basically a larger tube to fit over the spot. Then there is a longer rod with a cupped end that slides within the collar. Put the spot into the end, the slight spring of the legs hold it, hit the long sliidng rod, and it drives it in. Same principle as the press, just a hand tool. They sell them in sets for the different sizes, or singly. I don't have a picture, but no doubt someone does.

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