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I've been lurking here and trying to soak up all the great info and tips. Some amazing lessons and help from some amazing artists. I figured I may as well post a few of my projects. I've been at the bench working with leather for a couple months now. I'm still on the learning path, but a little better off than my first couple attempts. Eventually I need to break down and find a machine. Getting a little tired of hand cramps! LoL.

Anyway, check them out if you would. Throw in some tips and suggestions, too. Can always use the feedback to get better. Thx.






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I don't know anything about guns or holsters but they look very nice. I'm looking for a machine too. Welcome to the forum!

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Nice work... Im new myself Ive been lurking too... haha.... but Im trying to do a few good holsters before I post pics... Also working on a western gun belt that I will post soon anyways Thoese look pretty good to me!

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Also what type of belt loop system are you using on the holster right above the magizine holster? I see the one belt loop that is made into the leather but what about the one on the back I'd be anxious to see that one and how it looks....

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Morning. Thanks everyone for the replies. Much appreciated!

Red. The 2nd loop is incorporated into the mouth support piece that wraps from front to back. Not a great pic, but should give you the idea. This one was the first with a thumb break I had done and is rather messy. I need to get new pics of the cleaner and newer ones.


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I am no expert, but what are you using to make holes for sewing with? That looks like the one area that could use improvement. I use an awl. It takes a lot of practice but the results are worth it. Make sure it is sharp too. Your cuts on the leather look really good.


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I am no expert, but what are you using to make holes for sewing with? That looks like the one area that could use improvement. I use an awl. It takes a lot of practice but the results are worth it. Make sure it is sharp too. Your cuts on the leather look really good.


Hi Laird.

Depends on which one you're referring to. The ones I've hand sewn were punched using an awl I made from jewelers screwdrivers. They're small and hold up really well. A couple of those were done on a buddies machine at his boot shop. One big difference I haven't overcome yet is the thread size I can use by hand compared to the machine. If I go bigger by hand I have to use a bigger needle which makes it super tough to get through without making even bigger holes. Are you thinking the holes are too large now? Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated!!


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I was thinking the holes were too big. Your pieces look really good otherwise. Just some constructive criticism. :)


Ok. I wonder if I should thin down the awl a little more? Are you hand sewing as well? What size needle and thread are you using? Have a pic of one of yours I could compare too? I really appreciate the feedback and help!

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Ok. I wonder if I should thin down the awl a little more? Are you hand sewing as well? What size needle and thread are you using? Have a pic of one of yours I could compare too? I really appreciate the feedback and help!

I am hand sewing. I do not know what size awl I have but the needles I am using are #0. The thread does not have a size on it that I could see, its just waxed thread from Tandy. There is a pic I just posted on a thread started by me in the Holster section: http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=41693

Its not a very good picture but the batteries on my camera are dead. I will let them charge and post a better one later. How deep are the stitching grooves under the stitches? When I first started I was not making them deep enough and the thread was sitting above the leather a little. I started grooving deeper and I think they look better. I was told that the holes should be small enough that they close up after you are done sewing. I still need to work on that but its something to shoot for.


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Thank you Laird. Great info.

I don't think I'm grooving nearly deep enough. That really might make a big difference. Didn't even think of that. I'll try a deeper groove on one I'm prepping to sew tonight.

Btw - pretty nice job on the stingray, too.

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Thanks again all! This is definitely loads of fun!!

Here's a couple more I just finished:






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