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Advertising Your Links

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I have viewed a lot of Really Interesting and Really Great Leather work here! It seems that some of you have websites or sell things on ebay or etsy,

yet it is hard to find your links. Some of you do post your links and some of you don't and I was wondering why you don't make it easy? I thought I would mention,

in case you are not aware, It is perfectly OK to advertise your website or a link to your Etsy store.

You can make it easy for anyone reading your posts and viewing your photos - to go to your Etsy store and buy if they really want to. People from all around the world

read our posts and look at the photos, even though they are not members of Leatherworker.net

If someone really likes your leather work, they might really like to have a chance to buy some… so why not make it easy for them to find you.

Here's How......

Go to your Profile

click on Edit Profile

click on - Change About Me Page and put your contact information or a link to your website or Etsy Store here

(below any personal info you might want to add) and they will see it when they view your Profile

click on - Change Signature and put your links to your Website or your Etsy Store here

and it will show up at the bottom of all of your posts

I hope this helps!

Best Regards

Edited by LNLeather

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