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Which Ounce Leather For Straps?

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I'm making a few holster rigs for my personal use, and think that the 8 oz. leather is a little too thick for straps.

What thickness should I use? Also, what have you used?

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I've made a few chest holster rigs that use straps. The first was for me to carry my Ruger Blackhawk, it has 6/7 oz straps that are 5/8" wide. The other two are for Commander sized 45 auto's, they each have 10 oz staps that are 3/4" wide. You can see that they barely fit through a JWP conway buckle. Anyway, I felt like the 6/7 was too thin but that was probably compounded by the narrow width, I'd think the 8 oz would be pretty good. It's also true that you could probably use one of the heavier 45 rigs in place of a cinch in a bind :) .

Good luck!



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