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Fixing Goof Holes

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I've been working on a tri-fold wallet that has a pocket inside. I'm having a heck of a time making it all fold together nicely, and I think I need to re-do the pocket with a different design. I don't want to re-do ALL of the innards, however, because I've worked hard on the other parts. So, is there a way to fill the little sewing holes after I remove the current pocket? I need to know this anyway, because heaven knows I've screwed up many times before and just sanded, waxed, and glossed it over (not very satisfactory).

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Can you replace the pocket, use the existing holes and hand stitch?

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My new design uses a sort-of "floppy" pocket that wouldn't need to be sewn to the liner, so the holes remain.

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I dont know od any way to fill the holes. Maybe you could put a flat thin cover over that area? Like a veneer?

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