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Mocks Bros Made In Tulsa Saddle Info?

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Hello, I have been looking around this website and its pretty cool, lots of interesting information!

I came across this saddle yesterday, Its a Mock Bros (even through it looks like it says Mooks Bros) I am told its Mock, which has been around tulsa for a good amount of years.

I am not sure if this is just an average old worn out saddle, or if its something special with some value. I have been told Mocks have some desire?



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My vote, without closer examination is just a pretty good old saddle badly in need of some TLC. The Al Ray buckles and the plated looking dees say 40's-50's but some were known to hang on to old hardware for a long time. A look at gullet width might help place it. I wonder if the public library would have the old catalogues of the company to peruse? But in answer to the implied question of value, in that condition it has very little and restoration vs repair would be costly. So, if you know of someone who will rescue it from the years of neglect that it has survived for less that its resale value and the tree is still sound, that's what I would do.

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Mock Bros is still in business and they have a website.... www.mockbros.com/


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