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first off - this forum is a great resource. I have learned more on here than i could have hoped for.

I have found a strange anomaly though, when starting a new Topic. The entry page allows you to attach files by uploading them, which is fine, but unlike the Reply forms, there is no additional coding options, such as adding links etc.

I have images already uploaded into my Gallery, that i would like to refer to in a new Topic. I have the image address but the Entry page provides no clue regarding how i can add it. Simply pasting the link does not show the image, and as my html is almost non-existent, I'm not sure how to proceed.

It seems silly to upload the image again, taking up valuable space on your servers, and using up your bandwidth allocations.

Is it possible to include the scripting options already available on the Reply forms to the New Topic forms?



just discovered a clumsy workaround....if i make the entry then once its online click the edit button then all the scripting options become available!

Edited by lightningad
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just discovered a clumsy workaround....if i make the entry then once its online click the edit button then all the scripting options become available!

Glad you figured it out :)

I won't confuse you with the html coding for it then.

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it wouldn't confuse me, Its just a while since i used any html and can't remember the exact codes needed!

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honestly, I've never tested the image tags here, so....

You'll need to put angle brackets around it, but it's as follows (linking to one of my gallery images)

img src="http://leatherworker.net/forum/uploads/gallery/album_1228/gallery_22094_1228_54667.jpg" data-cke-saved-src="http://leatherworker.net/forum/uploads/gallery/album_1228/gallery_22094_1228_54667.jpg" style="width: 635px; height: 960px;" alt=""


I just looked at the new topic screen and the image link is there. Its the same one on the reply screen second row 11th icon from left. Its there on the new topic screen.

Am I misunderstanding what you are looking to do?


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weird! you're right - its there now, although when i wrote the original post it most definitely was not!

I can only assume one of the site webmasters has cured it.

Thanks very much, whoever sorted it.


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Maybe you aren't seeing it, but when I clicked start new topic I got an editor. I can change font colors, put in a smilie, link, and attach photos in the write area, via a little picture in the middle of the second row sort of below the smilie button.

I've found that the page your picture in the gallery is not going to work, you have to click the picture, right click it in the new view, and click copy picture location. Then come back here and click the add photo icon and paste the url. Like this. gallery_28097_1372_102321.jpg

nice wallet btw.

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Thanks Silvia! - thats exactly what i have been doing! Only problem is that the editor doesn't always appear when starting a new topic

This is what shows up in my browser...


as you can see there is no way to do what you have described until after the initial New Topic has been posted, then I can hit the Edit option and the page you described becomes visible...


I noticed on this page, there is a tiny triangle at the upper right corner, which toggles the options on/off. Unfortunately this is not visible on the New Entry page!

The really odd thing is that sometimes the options are visible and sometimes they are not. I havent needed to use them enough when starting a topic to have really noticed the options until recently, but then it might also be a browser issue! Not everything reads html the same.


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