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Need Hep On A Pattern...

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Hey Ya'll, I have a son in the Navy, who is a Coreman attached to the Marines. He made a knife and asked me to make a sheath for it. He'd like me to tool in the Coreman symbol, Marines symbol and a skull wearing a Navy dixie cup hat with two pistols. It the skull with 2 pistols and a dixie cup hat part I need help on. Haven't found a good line drawing on that yet. Anything out there?

Here's what I've got so far... Pics attached...






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I found a couple and sent them to you via a PM.

What I do when I have to combine different designs is to take the pictures and put them on a powerpoint slide then copy, paste, rotate, flip them however I want them and move them around until they are where I want them and the size I want them.

Hope that I could help out a little.

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Excellent! Thanks, artycpy. I found one with a ship and wings, found a separate pair of crossed pistols, erased the ship and wings, on paint, and cut-n-paste to MS Word. Came out just good enough to trace and tool.

I like the ones you sent me. I'll save them for the next time I feel the need for a little evil tooling!





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cool design. Be sure to post some pictures when you get it done.

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It's done, shipped and received. He says he now has the coolest knife on base. He tried to flatter me by saying "It's too nice to strap onto my Molle pack, it should be hung on the wall as a display!" Well, I gotta admit, it made me smile and sounded nice. Bless his heart.

The web straps on back are so he can weave it into the molle webbing on his back pack.

Couple things I wasn't too happy with... Background stamping; I should have left it to just around each symbol then smooth leather out to the sides. Symbol carving; darn things are too small for me to carve very well. I gotta stick with bigger objects.

Couple things I was happy with... I did like the fit. Nice and snug but not too tight. There's no slop of the blade inside and the handle glides down tight in it's place. Happy with that. I lined the inside so the blade would not catch on the strap sewing or the snap metal. I did a little better on my edges, but I know I can do better. Best sewing so far. The stain color was off the mark of my original idea, but became acceptable with the Oxe Blood red edges.

All in all, yeah, I'd use it!





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Couple things I wasn't too happy with... Background stamping; I should have left it to just around each symbol then smooth leather out to the sides. Symbol carving; darn things are too small for me to carve very well. I gotta stick with bigger objects.

Couple things I was happy with... I did like the fit. Nice and snug but not too tight. There's no slop of the blade inside and the handle glides down tight in it's place. Happy with that. I lined the inside so the blade would not catch on the strap sewing or the snap metal. I did a little better on my edges, but I know I can do better. Best sewing so far. The stain color was off the mark of my original idea, but became acceptable with the Oxe Blood red edges.



That is my favorite background. But, you have to hit it a lot softer. If you do it more gently the background does not look so busy. The attached sheath is backgrounded with the same tool.

I noticed the sewing too, good job.


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