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Here's a cell phone case I made for my father-out-law. It didn't fit his phone though so I'm back to making him a new one.

Which is probably a good thing because it's not a very good job.



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It's a credible effort and I don't know of anyone who just picked up a piece of leather and turned out perfection their first time. Take a look at what you'd like to change for the next one. Then, spend a little more time on layout of the piece. It's a learning process, and skill takes practice to aquire. Don't believe me? Check out jbird's work. He knew he wanted to improve from the get go and posted some work for critique. He took parts and pieces of everyone's advice and got better...but not overnight. Keep at it, and you'll see improvements. There's a really good reason why when you see masters' works, and read about them you find out they've been doing leatherwork for twenty years or more.

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Thanks for the advice Mike. I've seen some improvement in my work and sometimes feel I'm getting better and then I'll make something and it's a wreck. I put it up as rookie mistakes and try not make the same mistake the next time I do something. I've been doing leather craft since January and still really enjoy it. So along with people like you on this forum as well as any other avenue I can learn, I'm sure things will improve with time.

Thanks again,


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You just keep after it Butch. You will get the results you want with time and practice. I just started earlier this year too. I use to do it "ALONG" time ago. Then after about a 40 year break I started up again. I'm loving it. You just keep pounding that cow.


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I had a long break also. I had a leather craft class in Jr. High back in 71. The only thing that I still have from then is a rifle scabbard that I made for my dad. He passed away in 04, so I now have the scabbard and his rifle. Something I'll pass on to one of my boys someday.


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I had a long break also. I had a leather craft class in Jr. High back in 71. The only thing that I still have from then is a rifle scabbard that I made for my dad. He passed away in 04, so I now have the scabbard and his rifle. Something I'll pass on to one of my boys someday.


I have my Grandfather's rifle. 22 Remington 511. No children so I'll give it to my brothers son.


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