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Leather Thickness

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I got some inquiry and hope that someone can give some advice.

Soucing for leather hide is quite difficult where I came from. So my best options, I get my supply mostly from eBay, I get them in small sheets of 1 squre feet.

Mainly I'm interested to make wallets, card holders, something like that. So want to ask, what thickness is the best in making them?

  • my handmade bifold wallet currently I'm using is 2mm thick (4~5oz maybe?) I lovin it.
  • currently I've found a supplier that have 2oz belly and 7oz hide (which the price cost+shipping are within my budget). I want my handmade wallets/card holders to last and at the same time not that bulky. if I make the whole wallet in 7oz, would it be too heavy? Or can the leather be mixed outer and inner layer?

Advice and recommendations are really appreciated. :)

Best regards

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Welcome to the forum! A lot of people are concerned about wallet bulk, so your question is valid. Maybe Kevin King could step in here and help?

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7oz on the outside is fine. 5 is probably better. If all your insides and slots are going to be of leather then use 2oz inside. Otherwise it will definitely be too bulky. I don't know if you'd want to but a way to cut down on bulk is to make the insides of the card slots with something thin like nylon (the parts that you don't see). That way, you can use one thickness of leather instead of buying two and it won't be too bulky.


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