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Need help to apply yellow dye to a project, it's not working out well. The following pictures are my attempts on a scrap piece of veg-tan leather. As you can see i used Fiebing's product's, I am willing to change manufacture.

Any suggestions on what I need to do? I have read a few post and they very from painting to dying. After I apply the colors( I decide to use for the project) what finish or sealer should i apply?

The process I used on the scrap piece of learher are as follows:

1. The Top of the "2" I used Deglazer than brushed full strength yellow

2. The bottom of the "2" I used water than brushed full strength yellow

3. The "4" I used 1:2 mixture of yellow dye to denatured alcohol.

Thanks post-37866-0-99510900-1363663407_thumb.jpost-37866-0-65095500-1363663420_thumb.jArthur

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option 3 is what you should be doing. But, since you're brushing it on, it's going on heavy when you make contact with the brush. If you have access to an airbrush, that's your best choice. But, you can also try applying the dye to a rag and wiping it on. For small areas I actually cut a thin strip of paper towel and put it in a clothes pin or binder clip to wipe on that way. Also, if using a brush, make sure to blot it off on paper real well first before putting it to leather.

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It's always easier to get a more uniformed result with a brush if you dilute the dye (even more than 50/50 in some colors) and put it on layer by layer until you're happy. This is the time when a hairdryer is handy to use in between the layers :-)

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Hi Arthur, Here is a Cross I did a couple years ago. The Yellow is Angellus Yellow thinned down to 1 part yellow to 4 parts Denatured Alcohol. I applied it with an air brush,,, but if you are wanting a solid color a regular applicator works just as well. I did another one of these before using Fiebings Yellow dye,, & it worked the same way. Just make sure that the leather has NOT been oiled, as that will darken the final color. I know a lot of people use the deglazer,,, that is something I never do. Maybe I'm just lucky, but I've never had a problem not using it. I hope this helps,,, Ed the"BearMan"


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Dang Ed, that's plumb beautiful. In my neck of the woods we'd call that a "keeper".

Nice work,


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Yeah, Ditto Chief on that one. I've always loved that piece of yours Ed!!

I've never used deglazer either. Actually, I here of more people having problems when they use it. I've never had an issue not using it, so I don't plan on changing things.

I was half- asleep last night and missed the 1:2 part of that mixture. Always thin it until it's right :)

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Thank you all for the great info, Now I just have to pratice and found what works best for me.

Yes, Ed that is a beautiful piece of ART.

Thanks Again. Arthur

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