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J Frame Blue Gun

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If I get a j frame blue gun, will chater arms and other snub nosed work with holsters made from it, or would I be better off using the ruger blue gun? It looks like I would as long as I left extra space due to different handle geometry.

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A S&W blue gun should work for Taurus and Charter arms guns. Ruger has a little bit different frame dimensions.

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Depending on how you do the holster it may fit the Bodyguard .38 too. And some Rossi's. The LCR is considerably different.

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I used a blue gun to make a holster for my brother's Taurus Model 85 yesterday, and the Taurus will not fit because of the underlug on the Taurus. I'm going to try to wet mold it again but it didn't fit using the blue gun.

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The small-frame revolvers made by S&W, Colt, Charter Arms, Rossi, Taurus, etc, are all of similar sizes and profiles, however they are all different in actual dimensions. A holster made specifically for one (closely formed, boned, etc) will work properly only with the revolver on which it was made. Others may fit into the holster, but the holster will not function as intended with any of them.

It is possible to make a single holster that will accept any of these revolvers. However, at best, such a holster would provide a truly correct fit with only one (and possibly none of them) and be somewhat oversized for all others. The effects of an oversized holster include reduced retention qualities and movement of the weapon inside the holster during use leading to accelerated holster wear caused by abrasion of the handgun finish. This approach has been used by many high-volume manufacturers over the years and, in my opinion, is one of the primary reasons that many of our customers are looking for hand-made holsters properly fitted to their handguns.

Best regards.

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Lobo explained the situation perfectly. Either use the correct blue gun or the actual gun.

Jeff C.

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Again, thanks. I was trying to save myself from having to buy the pistols. I have only been able to find the j frame and ruger as blue guns

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In a pinch, if all that is stopping you is an underlug, you can tape a dowel to to blue gun to fill out the extra space needed. You should already be doing that for the site channel, too.

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