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Help Me Identify These Line 24 Snaps

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I have a few sets of line 24 and line 20 snaps that I bought years ago. I am running out and recently bought some line 24 from tandy. I know tandy doesnt always have the best hardware but I am having trouble figuring out what I have so I can find it. I have attached a couple of pix. The snap on the right is the old stock I have and it has a Matte like effect like it might be real nickle but I only find nickle plated online so I am not sure. The one on the left is the tandy and coating looks thin and it is super shinny. You can look at the back and same deal.

I cant remember if the ones I bought were solid nickle .. Did they make solid or am I just nuts and they are just another nickle plated. I went to Springfield and it looks like they only have nickle plate as well.

If possible I would rather find solid brass and solid nickle.




Edited by Boriqua

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Stainless steel possibly? Dot fasteners has stainless and solid brass as well as black over brass and nickel over brass. $50 minimum order though but you can get different length posts. The DOT snaps seem heavier thanthe ones I've gotten elsewhere and set much nicer.

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