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So I open my big mouth and mention how I would like to try making a shoulder rig. A buddy steps up and wants my first one...by his specs. Basically, he wants my version of Steve McQueen's holster from Bullit. From what I can tell is its an old safariland upside down carry rig for a model 19 or something like it. I have no idea how to even measure someone for a shoulder rig much less make something as out of the ordinary as this rig. If anyone can point me in the right direction on building shoulder rigs, patterns, measuring charts, etc... I would appreciate any information. If anyone has happened to build one of these, I would love any pointers. One thing right off the top of my head is that elastic stitched in along the top edge of the holster?post-24748-0-45316300-1368502099_thumb.j

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Yes the front is split to the forward edge of the cylinder and heavy elastic web is sewn across the opening. At the trigger guard a welt is sewn in that the back of the trigger guard slides under. On the draw the gun is pulled forward against the elastic and the trigger guard moves forward of the welt and the gun comes out.

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Thanks Denster. I'm trying to figure out exactly how the elastic is sewn in there. I can't find an angle that shows if the elastic is sewn between two leathers, folded back in a slot or whats going on there. I even watched the movie again last night on demand to see how it looked across the back. It appears the strap going across the right shoulder is a nylon type fabric strap and it appears the strap on the business side of things is a while leather strap. I haven't had very good luck trying to "dye" or paint leather white. I don't know if some type of upholstery leather was used for this or what. Any suggestions?

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The elastic folds back in a slot on either side of the main slit. As to the white leather no idea.

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I too have marveled at the design of that shoulder holster. I did some research on it but the pictures are not as good showing the level of detail needed to make cuts necessary to recreate the holster. I ended up finding some really good pictures of the Safariland Model 19 on EBay. The link below shows some great detail. It looks like the holster is constructed of two pieces of leather sewn together like a pancake holster. It looks like the holster should be fairly easy to make. The harness will be the area that will require some work, as far as getting it right. I was able to find some good examples of Bianchi Upside Down Shoulder Holsters as well. I searched by using "Bianchi Shoulder Holsters" and "Safariland Shoulder Holsters." Amazing how many photographs sellers will post to show the item is in good condition. Still might consider picking on up if the price is right for the ability to physically inspect it and see how it was put together first hand as opposed to threw pictures.


Edited by Steve75

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